Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Rise of Bamboo

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap a harvest if we do not grow weary" (Galatians 6:9 NASB).

For years, I told people that I was in labor for 23 hours. However, the truth is more like 23 years. Being a mother has been the most fulfilling, frustrating, exciting, exhausting, mind-boggling, hair-raising thrilling tiring, stimulating, soul-stirring, delightful, difficult, consuming, laborious, uplifting, inspiring, challenging, captivating, and rewarding job I've ever had. Did I mention difficult? I should have gotten a clue when I was told that having a child begins with a word called "labor."

I've had times when I felt like throwing up my hands in frustrations and saying, "I quit!" Is what I'm doing making any difference to anyone? I want result! Show me results! Then I think about the bamboo tree.

When the Chinese plant bamboo, first they plant the seeds, then water, and fertilize them. The first year, nothing happens. The second year they continue to water and fertilize the seeds, and still nothing happens. The farmer continues this process for a third and fourth year with no visual results. Then sometime during the fifth year, in a period of approximately six weeks, the Chinese bamboo grows ninety feet.

Did the bamboo grow ninety feet in six weeks or did it grow ninety feet in five years? The obvious answer is that it grew ninety feet in five years. If the grower hadn't applied water and fertilizer every year, there would be no bamboo.

It is the same way with raising children. We pour into their lives. We plant seeds of character, pull weeds with discipline, water with prayer, and fertilize with encouraging words. Then one day, if we are persistent and consistent, we will see beautiful results.

If you are in the midst of raising your children, or even a parent of grown children waiting to see the results, I want to encourage you to press on. Don't give up! Keep praying! Keep encouraging! Keep loving! And one day, when you least expect it, your child will one day "rise up and call you blessed."


  1. This is such a great application! It does seem like you may be getting nowhere for so long, but as a Mom of grown kids, I can agree with you. All that time things are taking root!

  2. That was a wonderful post that touched my heart. How true it is. My oldest is a freshman in college and my youngest a junior in high school. For the longest time you wonder if you're even getting through. Then one day it shows :)

  3. Kat this was such an excellent post! You ought to take it to your preacher and see if he will put it in your church bulletin. Nurturing any relationship takes hard work over many years, and you illustrated that so ably with the bamboo tree. I wondered what the article was about when I saw the opening picture (didn't know it was bamboo, though). Very good.

  4. Pressing on!! Thank you so much for this beautiful picture, and maybe even a little bit of a picture of what God sees in my life when he is working there. He has never given up on me...never want to give up on my kids either.

    Thank you Kat...beautifully said.

  5. Trying to make my "bamboo's roots" here be rooted in His fertilizer [love]...That's a great story. I love bamboos because they are very sturdy. They make them into nice furnitures that surely last a long time and other uses. Thank you for pushing us to keep going on. It is hard to be a mom...but by God's grace, we all can do it...God bless.

  6. Just wanted to drop by and thank you for your words of encouragement today.

    My blog friends have been great at helping me through and keeping me DISTRACTED through the last few months. They always know just how to make me smile and send cyber-hugs when I need them!

  7. I never knew that about bamboo. Very interesting and definitely this is an awesome illustration for raising kids. Thank you for sharing.

  8. What a great post! I had to laugh at some points when the words just continued and then ended with...Did I mention difficult?? LOL
    This is soo very true and I think it is good that our kids don't show results at all times because honestly we don't ever need to be comfortable in our role as a parent. We, like our kids need to continue to teach, to nurture, to learn ourselves so that they will know that learning is an ongoing process...all of us need to be teachable no matter how old we are!

    Love you Kat and what an awesome post!

  9. This was awesome...i have wanted to throw my hands up and quit too somedays. Great post and so encouraging.

  10. I love the story of the bamboo. I believe it is a very strong plant, too. My girls are in their 30's and I can say that training up a child according to God's Word is most fulfulling. My advice is "never give up" in hard times; the reward comes just like your opening verse. Loved your first paragraph, funny Kat!

  11. It was a long road and worth it for sure. My children adore me and grew up to be beautiful people.

  12. Beautiful analogy Kat. Thank you for taking time to share it with us.

  13. Hello Miss Kat!

    Check out my 10/31 post for a little blessing from me to you!

  14. Ha ha, I needed this tonight. Thanks Kat.


  15. Great encouragement! Moms need to be happy that our children don't grow to be ninety feet tall, although it seems that way when they have their growth spurts and we have to buy them clothes and shoes all over again. Very good read, I enjoyed that!! Proverbs 31 !!

  16. pretty nice article, i am also writing the blog about bamboo home decor , i love most of the bamboo contents!

  17. What a great photo. And really quite profound thoughts to go with it. Thank you.

  18. Beautiful post, Kat. You have such a way with words. Yes, motherhood is challenging, but I can't imagine not being one, that's for sure! The rewards are precious children, whether they are little or grown!

    ~ Nan

  19. Am really bless in following you, reading your inspiring, motivating and encouraging post.

    I am not a father now but am on the list(by the grace of God).
    You have stirred my spirit this morning.

    God bless you Kat.
    ~Hugs! Moses.

  20. Such an excellent post! I hope you're feeling better today : )

  21. Its more likely that my children will rise up and call me 'mad in the head', but I do get your analogy and I think its a really good one.!

  22. My boys are growing a foot in one year. Maybe I need to quit watering them. :) Just kidding. Keep up the good parenting work Kat.

  23. Excellent! As I have told you before, you are a good writer. You bless many with your words. Keep up the good work. Have a great week.

  24. Kat,

    What a beautiful way to illustrate how mothering can be likened to growing and nurturing bamboo trees. You are so good at doing that!

    Yes, it is all of those things and then some. I am ever grateful to God for giving me the pleasure of this job, even though, at times, I, too, want to give up. Thank you for the beautiful encouragement.

    Blessings to you,

  25. Growing children is a process that requires unconditional love and patience. You will not regret these years...it will be worth every minute of your time.

    What a great example the bamboo tree is!

    Thanks for sharing.



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