Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thankful Thursday ~ October 1st

Yeah it's Thankful Thursday and it's time to be grateful once again for all the things God has blessed us with this week. If you haven't taken the time to join, please hop on over to Sonya's blog at Truth 4 The Journey and add yourself to the fun!

1. I am thankful for the fall season. It seems like summer here in Southern California as always dragged on way to long. We have had our share of extreme temperatures, little moisture, and high winds but it appears as though fall is pushing that old high pressure system, or bubble as we call it, someplace else. So the crispness and cold is beginning to chill our desert mornings and it truly makes this time of the year living here breathtaking.

2. I am thankful for brilliant blue skies. No smoke, no smog, just the bluest, clear skies that allow you to see forever depending on just how high you can go to look out over the city. I am always thankful for these each morning especially after visiting the valleys below the pass and seeing the layers of smoke and smog. Yuck! Clear air up here.

3. I am thankful for my ability to think and write. SO often we take for granted our ability to process our thoughts and write them down in the form of a comment on a blog, a post, a greeting card to a friend in need or even journaling our days. There are some that sit alone with inside themselves with no way of letting people know what is going on inside.

4. I am thankful for random acts of kindness. These just bring out the best in people and make you feel special not only by receiving a special kindness but by doing them as well. As we get nearer to the holidays, I am planning on a new blog that will highlight our acts of kindness and hopefully get others inspired to do the same and pay it forward.

5. I am thankful for one more day. Each morning I wake up alive, I have the opportunity to make a difference and do the work of God. I pray that He will use me for His purpose and cast aside all my indifference's to see people the way God sees them and extend a hand in love and compassion.


  1. I love doing random acts of kindness. It's amazing to see the reaction when you do that. Isn't this cool weather great!!!

  2. Very encouraging post. You are a gifted writer.

  3. Oh we too have some BRILLIANT BLUE SKIES today. They're just gorgeous. I'm just wishing I could sit out under them instead of in an office. But that's okay, at least I have a nice big window right in front of my desk. =0)


  4. Your list is wonderful!! You always encourage me and I love reading your blog!
    Love Collette xxx

  5. Kat, I am thankful for all the same. I am thankful FOR JESUS, and to be in my right mind with the ability of my body. I'm thankful for family, friends and blog friend and to have the privilege of knowing you are my sister in Christ.

    The LORD uses you to bless my heart with each visit.

    Love you.

  6. I have not heard of the book, When God Turned Off The Light. I will have to look into it. It has been a rare day when I have read an entire book. Although I have done it with a few that I couldn't put down. I am constantly reading. I am not especially fast. I just keep at it. I read many books when I was preaching but almost all of them had something to do with my ministry. Now I am able to read many different things and I enjoy it.

  7. Beautiful thankful list !
    I am thankful also for these things
    and thank you for blessing me today !

  8. A new blog about thankfulness for the holidays sounds GREAT!! Your list is wonderful.

    Love you sweet friend,

  9. We had a nice fall day today!! I am thankful for each day!
    Thanks for sharing!

    By the way I changed my blog name to Life as Lori

  10. Precious Kat, you have some really good thankful points here to begin the month of October! Always encouraging to read. Thank you for blessing me.

  11. I love all of these. I am thankful for everything. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I joined yours. I love your writing.

  12. I'm thankful that you can think and write too, because I like to read it!

  13. Once again...GREAT list! I too am so thankful for autumn, and the opportunity to watch again the magic of fall.

  14. I am thankful for you my friend.

  15. I love every item on your list! I too love random acts of kindness. It feels so good to do something for someone you don't even know just because the love of God impells you to.

  16. I enjoy your grateful heart sweetie.

  17. I love fall and blue skies! It's my very favorite time of the year! Have a blessed day!

  18. Dear Kat,
    This is another encouraging thankful thursday post.

    Fall must really be such a welcome thing after that long summer.

    Thank you for your kind comments on my last post.

    If you have a bit of time, I invite you to re-read the last part of that Sept 30 post. I have re written it and shared more of what I am personally going through.

    I will surely appreciate your prayers at this time.


  19. Once again you have provided us with great things to think about and be greateful for ourselves. Beautiful seasons, beautiful colors, beautiful days, the ability to think and learn, and kindness all touch every one of our lives in wonderful ways at some point and time. Thanks for reminding us,

  20. Kat, Great Thankful list... Have a great weekend my friend. Blessings,

  21. Kat I rejoice in nature and each new day with you:-)

    Thank you for always leaving a word of encouragement and extending your friendship.


  22. 'Thankful Thursday' is a lovely idea, and I'm going to participate from next week. Its so easy to lose ourselves in day to day living, and we are so busy interceding for others etc that we fail to stop and give thanks. A while back I taught all the children in school the song 'Give thanks with a grateful heart' because I think it is so important.

  23. #4 speaks volumes to me, I love to participate in being a blessing to someone not even expecting.


My thoughts for the day are