Friday, October 2, 2009

The A.R.K. Is Up!

Now I know what you are thinking, in light of some of the heaviest rains some parts have been dealing with building an Ark sounds like a great idea. However, this is not the one I had in mind.

A.R.K. for God is my latest creation and still a work in progress. The acronym stands for Acts of Random Kindness and is designed with one purpose in mind to make a difference in peoples lives everyday.

Please join in my challenge and hop on over and check it out. If you are ready and willing, join in the fun and I promise you one thing, your life will never be the same. Please pass it along and let see just how many people everywhere we can get to join in the life changing fun!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat


  1. Awesome! LOVE IT!

    Blessings, andrea

  2. Good for you, it sounds wonderful.
    What a great idea.

  3. What a neat idea! When I was a young gal my friends and I formed a club in which we tried to do nice things for others! It was fun!

  4. Kat,

    Great idea. I signed up to be a follower. I look forward to hearing the stories and hopefully they will give me ideas of how I can help others!

  5. I was just talking about Random Acts of Kindness with a friend. Good stuff.
    Thanks for the comment on the 5 Moms blog today. I agree. I need to buy only wrinkle free stuff from NOW on.

  6. Fab idea Kat! Going to have a quick look. Love that picture of the ark also!
    Love Collette xxxx

  7. Kat, this is great! A wonderful idea! Blessings to you and your family.

  8. Sounds like a winner, Kat.
    Off I check it.

  9. Ah yes ... hit-and-run goodness. What fun!

  10. Oh I can hardly wait to visit. You always bless me sweet one, your heart, your passion, your love for our Lord.

    Hugs to you (big ones),
    Sarah Dawn


My thoughts for the day are