Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Difference Do It Make? ~ Book Review

For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me. The King will answer and say to them, "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me." ~ quoted from Matthew 20.

My most recent book that I have just finished reading literally in a matter of hours was a great true story called, "What difference do it make?" Yes, I did not make a typing error, that is the correct title for the book. It is written by Ron Hall, Denver Moore and Lynn Vincent from Thomas Nelson publishers.

The book is based on a true story of Ron and Deborah Hall, along with a wonderful man named Denver Moore, who was a homeless man that Ron and Deborah befriended in their mission to do more than just walk by the homeless people they saw day after day.

Deborah has since passed away from cancer in 2001, and her husband Ron and Denver Moore have been fortunate enough to witness the seeds that she had planted so long ago to help the homeless begin to bear more than enough fruit from her simple example of just making a difference. Since then millions of people are personally taking up Deborah's challenge to make a difference and those stories are all contained in this book.

The book is designed to share their personal stories from beginning to end of how their lives were completely changed by God in learning to serve the needs of the homeless. Since their first book was published it has begun to change the lives of other in prompting the need for us to get involved with helping the homeless.

Most of us see them on the street, see them holding the sign asking for help or donations or even a free meal. How many times do we pretend not to see them and go about our business? What we need to be doing is blessing these people not just with our money but how we can go about helping them with the unconditional love that Jesus gave all of us. We also need to stop judging these people about how they got there, what are they really doing with the money, and just bless them with whatever help we can provide them, and leave the rest up to God.

You never know whose eyes God is watching you through. It might not be your teacher, your preacher, or your Sunday school teacher. More likely it's going to be that bum on the street.

This is a definite recommended book to read, especially if you are looking for that purpose in life so many of us seem to be missing. Once you read this book, you will want to be out there making a difference in someones life.


  1. Kat,

    I can't believe you have been reading this...this is the one I want but had already gotten another one before I saw this! I am hoping to order it this week, well next since it's almost friday! anyway...did you read "same kind of different as me?" the first book they did that tells the story of how they met and more about Deborah? OMG changed my life!!

    anyway thanks for the review! I will be getting this one or borrowing it from you if I can?

    love you!

  2. I looked for this today in the store and could not find it...I am reading the Same Kind of D as Me right now.....So glad you reviewed this...

  3. Sounds like a book I need to read, and after reading the comments, I need to get the first one too.

  4. I enjoy reading very much. I will ry to find this book. If you recommend it, it has to be good. Always happy when you stop by.

  5. Kat,
    I just started Same Kind of Different as Me. Now I'll have to pick this one up. I think we sell it at the bookstore where I have just begun to work.

    I read a similar story called Breakfast at Sally's about the simple acts of kindness that helped a homeless man suffering from depression to rise above his present circumstance.

    By the way, I have recently signed up to review for TN Publishers, too and I chose, for my first book, one about a country music band- don't ask me why- I did not choose carefully. I'm not interested in it, though it is probably a very good book for someone who is a country music fan. I'm having a hard time getting through it, so I can write the review. Any suggestions?
    Heidi @2 Thinks to Share

  6. this sounds like an awesome book - living faith, radical Christians. Will check it out. Sarah

  7. I'll definitly pick it up. Looks like a great book to pass around my youth group also!


  8. Have never heard of the book but what a lovely legacy she left behind.

    It is hard not to judge people's motives. Especially when the same guy comes up to you two days in a row, with exactly the same story!

    The nice thing is that we can do whatever the Lord leads us to do, and trust Him with the results.

  9. I actually went up and read the title wondering of you had typed incorrectly :)

    What a great message.

  10. Great quote, "You never know whose eyes God is watching you through."

    Sounds like a really good book Kat. Thank you for sharing.

    Blessings to you dear one.

  11. Hi Kat...thanks for the recommendation. I'll look forward to this one. I've got Same Kind of Different on my list to read as well. Reading Crazy Love at the moment and I'm loving it like crazy : )

  12. hihi sounds like a good book!
    hope i can read it!

  13. Will have to add it to my list of must reads. Sounds wonderful.

  14. I hadn't heard of this book. Thank you so much for the review. Now I'm off to my library's website to reserve a copy.

  15. This looks like a wonderful book that I will have to pick up. Lately I have felt a conviction to be more selective in what I read. I don't want to just squander my free time in reading fiction, even Christian fiction. I've been trying to make my choices more intentional and glorifying to God. This sounds like just the right type of book to choose. Thanks for sharing your review.

  16. Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog and was so happy to know this book was out. I just finished the first one and was hooked. I live only about 30 miles from where Denver Moore was from in Louisiana and the book is a hot number here right now. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing, Mollye


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