Ever wonder just where all the communication goes when you have been with someone for quite awhile? It could be 5, 10, 15 years or even more than that, but it just seems like when you were first dating your special someone, all you wanted to do was talk to them. You would talk for hours, stay on the phone and sometimes even fall asleep with the phone between you and your pillow just listening to the other person breathe.
Then one day you realize just how little you do talk. You go about your day and he goes about his, sometimes you discuss things when you have a chance, the kids, school, work, bills, money and things around the house. Yet whatever happened to those conversations about anything that would just make us smile just knowing who we were talking to.
Next we find ourselves in our own world while they are in theirs. When did two people suddenly become such strangers?
I believe once the communication goes soon it begins to follow a similar pattern. Much like a mudslide. First you have heavy rain until it saturates the ground so much it can't hold any more water and then the hillside gives way.
So why then do we do that very thing with our relationship with God? Call on Him when we can remember, or definitely when things are looking bleak and hopeless.
Do you know that if we remained faithful in our tithing, we would owe God 2 hours and 24 minutes of our day? How much time honestly do you allocate for him? Do you wonder then why your relationship with Him isn't what you would like it to be?
I believe we owe God this time. We are after all going to be spending the remainder of eternity with Him so shouldn't we begin to build on that relationship instead of merely praying at church, at meals and when things get tough?
If we truly desire a real relationship with Him we have to be willing to put in the time just like we invest time in our relationships at home. Once the communication dies, soon everything else begins to head south as well.
The trouble with most of us, I believe is our ever busy and frantic lives. We simply task God for whatever time we have left in the day. Perhaps during the shower, or while we are heading to work, or maybe just before bed.
How would a real relationship stand if that is all you were willing to invest in it? I would honestly have to answer, there wouldn't be much if any. So why then do we believe that our relationship with God is any different?
He is interested in knowing what you are thinking, what your frustrations are, you loves and your deepest dreams. He is the person on the other end of our life just waiting in anticipation for us to turn to Him and talk. He is always willing to listen, always available and is so interested in what you have to say that He stops everything He is doing just to listen to you. Wouldn't you love that in a real relationship?
I challenge all of you today, to begin to build on that relationship and begin investing your time wisely instead of the things that will wither away and not matter or make a difference. I am so confident once you increase this communication, you will notice some profound changes in your life and your relationship with God.
Prayer is the answer! Let's begin by talking to God throughout our day and not just when we have time. Let Him truly be our first priority in our lives instead of left overs. He is ready when you are.
Psalm 6:9 "The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer."
Great Post Hun Hun! You are so right about giving more time to God and tithing our time. It is definitely something I need to work on. As well as give more time for us. We need a date night just like we need to have a date night with the Lord.
Amen, preach it sister.
Wow ~ that is interesting when you put it into hours and minutes! I have heard people put 'time" in tithing but only when serving HIM such as ministry but not just being in HIS presence....
I think too that if we spend time with HIM you will find you desire to to be with HIM more and more! not because we have to or owe HIM but because our hearts LONG to! I have a friend who SET OUT to begin spending time with the LORD and she woke up a 4am everyday for weeks and she said for the first 2 weeks she heard nothing, felt nothing etc. and just as she was crying out and asking God why? HE just began to pour over her with amazing things. He wants our hearts ~ all of us!
Thanks Kat again for an amazing post! May we give the LORD all of us and not just our left overs!
love you!!!!
You are so right! My Mom used to say that just because we aren't on our knees in formal prayer doesn't mean that we can't carry on an ongoing conversation with Him as we go about our day.
BTW.. I left you something on my blog! ;-)
You always get an Amen from me.
My relationship is better with God than my own husband. I talk with Him all day long and am thankful all the time. I just adore Him. So I am getting ready to do "The Love Dare" on my husband. Pray for us.
Don't get me wrong, we are not in trouble but we certainly are not like we use to be.
Wow - what a great post! I never thought about tithing time, but it makes sense. And yes - it's important in relationships too. So, that's two things God has convicted me of today, using your blog. Thanks for the post.
I always picture us looking intently at those things or people we so adore, while the Lord is just waiting for us behind us...All our backs turned on Him...Behind the Lord are so many gifts He wants to give us. Because He loves us and always wants to bless those who loves Him...It's not about the gifts that He bestows.But He is the GIFT!!!Thank you for this awesome reminder that we must truly give Him time because He is always ever so near...Blessings to you sister. Have a great day!
I am so very lucky that J and I share in all things, including a love of the Lord.
Thanks for heartfelt, meaning post.
So right Kat!!! Great post.
Food for thought, Kat. I tend to talk to the Lord all day long- while driving it is,"oh show me which way to turn, Lord" I never can find where I'm going. In the kitchen it is: "Lord help me get this in the oven before I.T. comes through that door" and I pray out loud for people all the time while I'm doing everything. If someone goes by me in a car when I'm driving, they probably think I'm a nut- talking to myself.
As for my communication w/I.T.- I sometimes have to settle for the endearing *wink* though I do so love that silent man!
Hi Kat! This is a wonderful reminder of how we should prioritise the time we spend with God.
Love Collette xxx
Good morning Kat. Lovely post as always. This one really gives me some things to think about. I really need to give God my first and my best, not my leftovers.
Wow I never thought of it that way. I need to give Him more time. I am way behind. I am one of those that fits in a bit of time here and there or when I really feel I need something. We all need to slow down!!
I hope that it will always be my natural desire (of my new nature) to have in everything I do, talking with Him along the way.
Thanks so much for that today...and especially after you read my 5 moms post...you know I need prayer!!!
That reminder is just what I need for the right frame of mind.
Thanks again!!!
Great post, Kat...very well said, and I say amen. Giving the Lord the first fruits and not the leftovers is how I want to live out each day. I often see parents give their children left overs, spouses gives their mates left overs...what a selfish people we have become. I think I'll copy your picture of left overs and put it on refrigerator, if you don't mind, to remind myself and my family that God is worthy of much more of our time and attention than we give Him. When we think of our most treasured possessions, we think of family, but what if God were not here...what would we do then? Great insight...God bless,
Good post.I see every thing we do as Christians as worship. As I worked in my back yard my mind was on the beauty of God's creation. I see a message from God in the books I am reading. When I go to visit my sick friend I will go believing God has sent me to minister to him. As I go through my days loving and being faithful to Charlotte I do it unto God. I try to honor Him in all I do. I feel His presence with me at all times. It is only when I let Satan discourage me and get my eyes off the Lord that I feel I am not spending time with Him.........In answer to your question, I am working with nine book publishers or groups. Have a great evening.
Great words of wisdom...
Something to true and important, yet hard in busy life. Yet, that doesn't mean we don't need to try our best to change that and give what we can...
Okay I know you probably already read my Post, but stop by my Blog to see my surprise for you! You are so deserving of this award and I wish I could shower you with gifts as well, but I hope this makes you feel a little better! You are a Super Mom and a Super Wife! I love you so much!
Love me,
Truer words were never spoken. Bless you dear friend.
You named the three places I pray...in the shower, in the car and when I'm in bed! I also tend to pray while I'm doing the dishes or some mundane chore. I don't sit down just to pray (at least not often)! I've never thought about tithing my time like I tithe my money! Great thought!
I'm still sick. Going to the doc tomorrow. Hoping to get back to my blog soon!
Love and Hugs, Leslie
" ... begin to build on that relationship and begin investing your time wisely instead of the things that will wither away and not matter or make a difference."
Wisdom well put!
It's such an intentional focus on our part; an intentional investment. The returns are beyond calculation! And when I think of all the hours, if not years, that I've squandered on the "don't counts", you can be sure I make Him my aim now (well ... most of the time anyway).
I love this! I pray at night. I like to think of it as more of a discussion. Last January I was on a youth retreat. Our speaker was Justin Lookadoo. He taught us a way of praying where you actually invite God to come sit and visit with you. So I go to the beach, in my prayer, and when I am in the zone and let the days interference go, Jesus comes and sits beside me and we talk. It is by far the most phenominal, amazing, spiritual part of my prayer life and when it happens...oh my! Nothing else like it.
The thing, is with spending time with God, once you get started, He is addictive. You just can't get enough of Him! :)
I have an award for you.
Oh my! Never thought about my time this way before. Thanks for your insight. Blessings, SusanD
Kat, This is a wonderful post! Thanks for the reminder! Paula
Wow, this is a powerful post. I need to read it again and again...I was very convicted about giving God the leftovers. I needed to be shaken a little. Thanks for that.
Oh Kat this is just wonderful. I really do spend the entire day talking with God about everything I am doing and thinking. But if I am honest I have to admit that I am so slacking in the meaningful intimate time. Both are needed to keep the intimacy alive.
Thank you!
Sweet one, you are encouraging so many and challenging the world to go deeper. No more leftovers.
Hugs for your day,
Sarah Dawn
Kat, this is so unbelievably true! The amount of time I put in for my Savior matters! Will matter how my day goes, my thinking etc. Thank you for sharing dear one. ♥
Awesome post. Thank you for sharing this.
I never thought of tithing my time to the Lord... ever. Wow, that is a great perspective. We humbly tithe our money to God. I'm so glad He showed us the importance of honoring Him with our first fruits. That's a whole 'nother post.
I have a quiet time each morning, then pray over meals, at bedtime, and not as much throughout the day as I should. Thank you for the great reminder.
Blessings to you,
Fantastic post!
This is the first time I've ever been here I think. Great site!
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