Just so I don't fall behind and get so busy with school, family and church, I wanted to pass along some last minute awards I had received and then picked up today. It is a great feeling when you receive these and I apologize for no long speeches about why each of these bloggers is truly deserving but I wanted to know I personally thought of each of you before bestowing them upon you.
Rosel at Off the Beaten Trek had hand created this award above and I was positive I had passed it along before but after searching through past posts I see I haven't. She designed this award for all those who prayer daily for all our needs and last minute requests.
1. Beth at At His Feet
2. Tiffany at Tea with Tiffany
3. Lisa Shaw at Sharing Life with Lisa
4. Mari at My Little Corner of the World
5. Laurie at Supernatural Living
6. Edie at Rich Gifts
If you have never stopped by any of these ladies blogs, you are missing out on the power of prayer and just what God is capable of. These wonderful and blessed women are praying daily for the needs of everyone and will even pray for you and someone if you need it.
I received these next two awards from Audrey at Country Mom. She is a wonderful woman who really has a beautiful blog and there is so much love when you visit her blog.

The Your Blog is Over the Top Award is bestowed upon those in my opinion who faithful bless those who stop by and they also are diligent comment posters as well.
1. LV at Thoughts from Meme's Corner
2. Denise at Free to Be Me
3. Beth at Outnumbered, Three to One
4. Andrea at Arise 2 Write
5. Moms the Word

The Blogger Buddies award is my favorite because it is for those you have made a special connection with and you consider them more than a blogging friend but more like family.
1. Loren at The Magoo's News
2. Kat at Art's Chili
3. Elle at Kitchen with Kids
4. Steve at Gotta Have Faith
5. Rosel at Off the Beaten Trek
So please if you have received one of these awards, please pass them along. It will really change someone's day for the better and it's nice to get something and be linked on other's blogs as well. Pass them along to 5 very special people and link them up to your post. Then leave them a comment so they know that something is waiting for them. Who knows perhaps these will make their way back to you once again. So keep the blessings coming to all of those you know.
You are awesome! THANK YOU! I have several I need to post, too.
LOVE YA, andrea
You are so popular! Thank you for passing this one!
I just happened to browse in my dashboard and saw that you just posted this. Thank you for sharing that "Awesome Prayer Warrior" to so many deserving siblings in Christ who willingly bruise their knees and ready to get callouses on their hands!
Thank you for sharing that beautiful award -blogger buddies award. The Lord's love is amazing that even here, as we are all a part of His family, we do feel that belongingness and we are all one in Spirit. So, to God be the glory for all ages of eternity. Love and blessings to you, precious friend and sister in Christ!
Oh, thank you. What a sweetie you are. I will enjoy passing this along...hopefully before we leave town.
Another Kat :)
Congrats on your awards dear, and bless you for sharing one with me. I appreciate your kindness.
THANKS KAT!! How sweet! I consider you a very special friend too!
Kat, You are a blessing. You always make my day with all your comments. You have added so much to my blog. I Treasure You. What a beautiful Prayer Warrior Award. You deserve it. Many Blessings, My Friend, Audrey
o.k., I don't think my comment is gonna go thru so I'll try again.
Thank you for thinking of me, you are so sweet! And congrats on all your awards, girl. You deserve 'em!
Congrats on all the well deserved awards.....you are always a blessing to me!
And thanks for sharing more uplifting places to visit. :)
Kat, you are precious. May the LORD continue to be glorified in and through us all.
Thanks for thinking of me and BLESSING my heart always.
I love you.
What is so funny is that I had done a post to hit earlier this morning with awards on them. Two you blessed me with. I'm so late on posting.(smile). Love ya.
Awwwww....thanks girl!!!! I really appreciate you for thinking of me and giving me this wonderful lil bloggy award. ((((hugs))) Sandy
Kat, thanks so very much for my great award. I cannot believe I gott wo within the last week. I am trying, but still a lot to learn in blog world. Will try to pick my five and do a post for next Tuesday. Thanks again.
Well aren't you so sweet! Thanks so much Kat, I really appreciate you thinking of me.
Much love to you!
Thanks Kat....I posted today....
thankful for you, thankful for this award and thankful mostly that the LORD has given me YOU !!!!
Ahh, you are something. You continue to pour out such sweet encouragement to us. Thank you, thank you. I'm overwhelmed by your kindness once again. I will put this award on my blog tomorrow. I'm so sorry I'm so behind on acknowledging your awards--and the many other friends who've blessed me. I wish I could be more effective with my online time. I can distracted so easily. I hope to catch up on my e-mails and blog visits sometime this year. LOL.
Again, thank you. To God be the glory.
Hugs and love,
Oh one more thing, I wish I had an adminstrative assistant. LOL. Because I have so much to do to be up to date with my blog.
For example, for months now, I've wanted to add my blog list to the sidebar. I think when I had all that internet trouble, I got scared to add too much to my blog. But I really want that feature because I find it so cool to find new friends by bloggers' sidebar list. I love reading the names of blogs. I'm known to get distracted and stop by and meet new friends. See what happens then? I can't keep up with my other ones.
I know I'm crazy.
Congratulations. That's allot of awards. You go girl!
Oh my goodness! More blog awards? You are so loved and so blessed! Congrats Kat!
Kat - I have been way out of computer touch this week. With J.D.'s funeral and then my daughter leaving today (about 2 hours ago) for Africa for 9 weeks, I have not been online at all!
Thank you so much for this awesome award. It is just a God-thing. He has been so good to me and I only desire to honor Him and be a prayer warrior for Him.
YOu are such a blessing and I am so glad that I am part of your bloglife!
I did my award post today. Thought I would let you know. Thanks again!
Much love!
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