I am in the process of updating my blog page and subsequently creating a new header to go along with what my blog is all about, but I wanted your honest opinions first while in the creating stage.
1. What I want to know is what do you think of when you hear "Heart 2 Heart"?
2. What do you envision when you come here? Be creative, give me details, and let me know what you would love to see?
I can't wait to see how amazingly creative you can all be and hopefully it will help me get my creative juices flowing from the generic blogger template page.
Here is hoping you all are having an amazing weekend, enjoying time with your families, and relaxing with the extra day hopefully most of you have.
Here is the Bible verse my blog is based on and completely dedicated to God!
"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed!" Proverbs 11:25.
It was your title that caught me when I first visited you. I felt a sincere welcome as I read your post. In this world [blogosphere], it's hard to really know a person intimately just by reading words. But you have shown your sincere friendship and had posted true life experiences that I know are not an easy thing to do sometimes, only to be read by many strangers like me :)
ReplyDeleteFor short, you always open your heart to us and that makes us go back and long for more. God bless you sister Kat and may He guide you in choosing the right template!
The verse struck something in my heart, as it's close to my favorite Proverbs 25:25. Have a great weekend. Blessings.
Kat, when I think of heart to heart I think of friendship. Your heart, your journey, coming into contact with mine and us making good deposits into one another, that help us grow close to Jesus. The word "Koinonia" means fellowship in the Greek. The definition is exactly that "making good deposits into one another"
ReplyDeleteThat's what I think of when I think heart2heart.
Oh how you cause us to think.....
ReplyDeletewhen I think of Heart to Heart I think of
1. Gods heart2 to your heart then your heart to us.
2. I honestly have never been disappointed when I come here....you pretty much have it all....deep thoughts, fun, encouragement, family fun and clearly the Lord leads every bit of it!
3. Your scripture speaks volumes about you because I do believe I am refreshed when I come here and your HEART and Gods HEART is all entwined together.....
I am sorry I'm not creative but....thank goodness YOU ARE!! and I can't wait to see what you do with the new look
I am with Loren. The very first time I came to your blog, I had a visual: GOD's heart flowing through your heart to ours.
ReplyDeleteYou have never let me down. You are a true friend, prayer warrior, God lover, and mountain mover. You embody the heart of GOD.
Blessings on your journey, andrea
You have such a big heart and share such strong feeling, I am sure you will come up with a great idea. I think of heart as being red and doing things for others.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see what you come up with. When I hear heart to heart I think of good conversation between friends, and in this situation, I think of it with God in the middle of it all.
ReplyDeleteYou're a great bloggy friend and you share what's on your heart from God, so you live up to the title!
In my mind - heart to heart is a deep conversation between two or more people.. It's a connection that is a gift from God.. You continue to bless my heart every day.
Hi Kat,
ReplyDeleteI'm back from Baguio City!
I love your transparency, and your warm sincerity. When I come to your blog, I hear your heart beat.
You come just as you are, without any pretenses, without trying to impress. That's the best thing about you and your blog, your open heart.
Your posts welcome me, the reader, into your heart. What you share openly doesn't overwhelm me, rather, it gives me a glimpse into the work in progress that is going on in your heart.
It lets me give glory to God for creating you!
I just found your blog today through a post at a different one. I'm glad I did because you have a great purpose stated.
ReplyDeleteWhen I think of heart-to-heart, I think of conversations and relationships that dig deeper than the superficial chatting of our fast-paced culture. Investing the time, being transparent, growing stronger together, and getting to the heart of issues.
Life's a journey and I need all the encouragement I can get.
Hi Kat, This is going to sound weird, but I'm just gonna go with it. When I close my eyes and think of your blog I think of beautiful light colors, paper, the written word, books, friendship, deep conversation, flowers, the Bible, water and the ocean. Weird? Yes. Does that help you at all? PROBABLY NOT!! :o) Can't wait to see what you come up with.
When I come here, I see Jesus shining brightly through your heart, and that makes my heart smile.
ReplyDeleteFace to Face, listening, seeing....hearts beating as one. CLOSENESS.
If someone could just take all that God has placed in your heart and pass it to us, that is what your blog header should be. His love flowing from your heart wrapped in friendship, love, and realness, filling a thirsty world.
ReplyDeleteBlessings my friend,
Sarah Dawn
Love this Proverb!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I like nature pictures. I think that picture you have up with this post is beautiful. Takes me back to country I used to live in.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I pray you will be lifted up in spirit every time you come.
ReplyDeleteWhat do I expect when I see your Blog name Heart 2 Heart.
I think ,here is someone who is opening up her honest thoughts and feeling about life. And I think I will feel a lot lighter after I come here , than I felt when I come by.
Elsie <><
ReplyDeleteCall it what you want. It's what's inside that counts. In your heart and your blog.
I'm visiting from Crown of Beauty.
ReplyDeleteI always read your comments when I go there.
The words heart 2 heart make me think of
His heart.
To you.
Your heart.
Sharing with other hearts.
I enjoyed visiting with you.
Sweet dreams.
I'm not very creative...I'm just sayin'!
ReplyDeleteWhen I see the name of your blog, I think of a one on one, intimate conversation with someone. Knowing that your blog is focused on the Lord, I picture that heart to heart talk to be with Jesus.
Then, I also think of the heart to heart talk you have with us through your blog, every time you post!
I'm not very creative...I'm just sayin'!
ReplyDeleteWhen I see the name of your blog, I think of a one on one, intimate conversation with someone. Knowing that your blog is focused on the Lord, I picture that heart to heart talk to be with Jesus.
Then, I also think of the heart to heart talk you have with us through your blog, every time you post!
I think of deep serious conversation. Whether it be between you and God or you to us.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit late on my reply but what I envision when I visit you is transparency, encouragement, sharing as the LORD leads and friendship.
I see bright colors that are warm and inviting because that's what you are to me...warm and inviting.
Love you.
I think your name is unique, especially with using the #2 within your name. Everytime I see your profile picture, I see a sensitive caring and compassionate person. Someone I would love to have as a friend. Thank you for who you are and support!! Blessings dear one.
ReplyDeleteWhen I think of Heart 2 Heart. I think of deep conversation, sharing, and communicating what is on our hearts. I feel that many times when I come visit you and you come and visit me. Love it! Would love to have heart 2 heart with you even more! :)