Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Windsday!

Good morning and Happy Winds-day as Winnie the Pooh would say to piglet! Of course it is not really a blustery kind of day but I do have a lot of things to post about today, so it could be considered a blustery kind of post!

Update on Kat's Mom: As some of you know my mom lost her brother, my uncle, a couple of weeks ago and I have had several emails and comments asking about her. Funny thing was I had so many yesterday it brought me to at least address this. By the way she also called so the update is pretty current. She has her high and low days and yesterday, her older sister called and was pretty harsh with some of her comments to my mom about their brother. "He was a good kid!" was the comment used to my mom. I just explained that some people deal with grief differently and perhaps she doesn't know how to process her feelings well. It didn't help much and she still remained down. I did want to pass along her personal thanks to the many of you that sent her cards. These are what she looks at when she has those down moments in her day. It's a reminder from all of you that you care! Keep her in your prayers please!

Prayer Requests: I do have two prayer requests to add to the many we are all writing about. My friend, Jacquie called yesterday to ask me to add her daughter Charity to our prayer lists. She is going to a neuro-surgeons appointment on Monday, the 15th for some massive pain in her head and she is hoping it won't involve surgery.

The second is for a super nice lady my brother is dating named Dawn. Her mom has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, stage 3. There are giving her between 6 months to 5 years depending on how she responds to treatment. I will get her name so we can create a button and keep her close to our prayer list.

I wanted to share some positive news to end this post and tell you all that I won a copy of Mary Moss' books today at Crayon Chronicles. She was the bright spot in my morning with an email notifying me I was honored to receive such a blessed gift from her.

Honors, Awards, Recognition and Congratulations: I do also need to thank and recognize some lovely ladies who have bestowed some lovely awards my way on the last weeks and I haven't had time to acknowledge or thank them here. I want to personally thank Audrey at Country Mom, Andrea at Arise 2 Write, Lidj at Crown of Beauty, Kat at Art's Chili and my latest LV at Thoughts from Meme's Corner.

So here are the awards and here are the blogs I am highlighting to pass them along to!

True Heart Award

1. Kurt at Some Things I Have Learned
2. Beth at Outnumbered Three to One
3. Beth at At His Feet
4. Teresa at Grammy Girlfriend
5. Jane at Jumpin in the Jungle

Loyalty Award

1. Luvin the Life
2. Collette at Jesus Loves Mums
3. Sandy at One Day at a Time
4. Amy at Filled with Praise
5. Mich at Mich

Circle of Friends

1. Loren at The Magoos News
2. Kat at Art's Chili
3. Lidj at Crown of Beauty
4. Greg at Greg's General Store
5. Mari at My Little Corner of the World

Humane Award

1. Steve at Gotta Have Faith
2. Caitlyn at Teen Life
3. Dawn at Dawn's Cottage Corner
4. Sitka at All God's Creatures
5. Rosel at Off the Beaten Trek

Please take the time and congratulate all these beautiful people and become part of their families! They are all part of mine and is why I am so blessed!


  1. Thank you so much for this sweet award. I am sorry I haven't been around to blogs much lately. We've had so much going on, but hopefully things will slow down some and I can get to visiting again.

    Thank you again,

  2. I love the blustery days .. and I love stopping by. You have created a beautiful place for friendship to bloom.

    Blessings for your day,
    Sarah Dawn

  3. Dearest Kat,
    I know that passing on blog awards is a lot of work, especially if you are doing several. You have to think of the people to pass them on to, get their links, post the links one by one with each name, and then go to each blog to let them know they have received a blessing!

    It does take hard work and commitment to keep the awards and the encouragement going around!

    So I do want to thank you... for passing on to me the circle of friends award. It has truly become a circle, right?

    Will continue to pray for your mom.

    Thanks for cheering my heart even as it is a bit sad today for the death of a dear friend of mine.


  4. Love Poo!!!
    Will keep your mom on my prayer list.
    And Thank You and a Big Hug for the award! I consider you family too!!

  5. Thank you for the award, Kat! I truly appreciate it. :-)

  6. HI, Kat.

    That was quite a post. You have been busy!

    I am sorry your mom is having a hard time. It is tough enough to suffer a loss but then to have fighting within the circle of family protection that should be holding each other up... what more can I say. I have been there time and again both in my family and in my husband's. It is not a fun place to be. But God can be glorified in it.

    Thank you for the award. I am so grateful for your friendship here in blog world. I enjoy reading the blogs of your whole family and enjoy the little minutes I can spend in the Smith world.

    Happy Day!

    the other Kat

  7. First, I am adding all your prayer requests to my own. Thank you for updating us and sharing with us the news.

    Second, I am not sure what to do with awards. Kat also passed on an award to me some weeks ago: Am I supposed to post them to my blog and then pass them on? (blog ettiquette is still very new to me.. hehe) However, thank you! I am honored that you would consider my random thoughts, rants, and other soul baring worthy of an award!

    Thank you, Kat!!

  8. Congrats on your awards, and the book you won sweetie. I will be praying for your mom, and the others you mentioned. Be sweetly blessed dear.

  9. Hi sister!
    Thanks for the updates and it looks like a lot of good blogs you warded! Enjoy your blustery day!

  10. Congratulations to the blog award winners. I'm excited to visit some of you.
    Kat, isn't it wonderful to have a group of prayer warriors we're always connected to through the internet? Awesome!

  11. Kat,
    I an humbled by your love and support. Thank you. You are an undisguised blessing.

  12. Yes, we do grieve differently and I will keep your mom in my prayers as well. Congratulations on winning the book from sister Mary and receiving all these lovely blessings from friends.
    Thank you for sharing the Humane Award with me. I feel so blessed.
    Thanks be to God for all these wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ that we meet here. We are truly a family- His family! God bless you sister and may you have a wonderful week! Love you in Christ.

  13. I'm glad to hear a report on your Mom. I was wondering how she was doing. It does seem to be a day to day thing.
    Congrats on all the awards and thanks for thinking of me. You are so sweet and each of those awards fits you!

  14. Kat,

    Awww you deserve every one of these awards and thankyou for sharing the circle of friends with me! That is certainly what the Lord has given all of us here.....a circle of friends, a family in HIM for sure!
    I am glad to hear you mom is doing better and it truly is a day to day thing and I know everyone grieves differently. My husband has 3 sisters (he is the baby) and when we lost his mom this past May I saw the evidence of that sooo clearly!!! I will continue to pray for her and for Charity as well!! Will Edie be doing the button or are you? and for Dawns mom too! I know you will keep us posted...thankyou for bringing these to us so that we can lift them to the Father!

    Can't even imagine how long it took to do this post! :) You are such a sweetheart for taking the time!!!

    love you and If you can hear me all the way from OK I am hollering "THANKYOU" and sending a big hug for my sweet sweet wonderful card!!! You are just a beautiful woman of God and I am sooo blessed to have you in my life!

  15. Sorry to hear about your uncle. Thankful God is surrounding you with friends who are willing to send cards and love. How precious.

    And wow, prayers are so needed lately for so many. I feel the weight of those I know who have sick loved ones. I need to carry the burden to Jesus. Adding prayers for healing for Charity and Dawn.

    About the encouraging awards, you are always so sweet to give blessings to others. I love that about you. I know without a doubt every person you meet is blessed. I know I am.

    Sorry I am so behind on visiting with you. I've thought a lot about you. I emailed you not too long ago, but I must have sent it to the other email. Anyway, appreciate you, Kat.

    You're a treasure!

  16. thank you, friend.

    I needed a "hug" today.

  17. As others have said you a blessing to know! I love coming ot your blog and not only getting "ciber" hugs but knowing your true!!

    Congratulations to all who recieved the wonderful awards!

    Praying for the request you posted.


  18. Oh, Kat, yes. people respond to grief in vastly different ways on any given day. Prayers for your family - and your brother's friend.

    Love the photo of blustery days.

  19. Kat you are a blessing. Prayers to you and your family.

  20. Thank you, Ms. Kat for thinking about your furry blog friend. My mom loves your blog and you are always so kind to stop by and visit with me. I wish I were close enough to give you a furry hug. I suppose you will have to settle for a virtual furry hug.
    Woofs and Wags,

    Kat: I am thankful you gave an update on your mom. I have a little something to send her and I apologize for not getting it done. It is no excuse, but i have been up to my eyeballs in wedding alligators.
    LOVE YOU, andrea

  21. Congratulations on all of your awards and to all you passed them on to.
    I am glad to hear that your mom is doing somewhat better. Continuing to pray.


My thoughts for the day are