Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Give Me Five!

I found an interesting post when I stopped by Mari's blog, My Little Corner of the World and she was doing a post based on five words she was given. She invited us to play along if we wanted and you know me, the avid gamer, I asked her to send me my 5 words. If you too are interested, leave me a comment and your email address and I too will send you 5 random words.

1. Music. I have it on most of the time throughout my day to 88.5 which plays Christian contemporary music and occasional devotions. It helps keep God going throughout the day and keeps Him ever close to my mind. Sometimes it can completely change your day for the better as well. Some of my favorites are The Motions by Matthew West, Otherside by Mikeschair, anything by Jeremy Camp, Third Day, Never Going Back to OK by The Afters, and my all time favorite the Fray!

2. Family. This is the most important thing in my life next to my relationship to God. I've been married twice, and on the second try God bestowed His greatest blessing on me, with my best friend, soul mate, and husband, Steven. I had a daughter from my first marriage and it was the very best thing to come out of the fire. She is 16, a Junior in High School and very active in church with her faith. Her name is Caitlyn and she even has a blog if you want to stop by and check it out. It's called Teen Life. Steve and I were blessed by God to have a daughter of our own, and she is our strong willed and determined 10 year old Kailee. She never ceases to amaze me with her natural ability to pick up on anything technical. We share our 2 story home in the high desert of Southern California with three cats, Moo, Tosh and Bella.

3. Faith. It is the greatest gift God has blessed all of us with. Without it we wouldn't have hope in the things we can't see but believe in anyway. Many times we think that we must see it to believe it, but God says you have to believe it, and then you'll see it. Thankfully I know that no matter what happens to my family in this life, I know without a doubt it doesn't end there for us. I will be reunited with them once again in my eternal home in Heaven.

4. School. I have to admit I was your A typical nerd in school, the book worm and the geek all rolled up into one. For years I was the pride and joy of my parents. Then when I entered highschool things changed, people looked to me for the quick answers to last minute homework or quizzes. I hated it. I hated that people only needed me for their lack of discipline.

When I received my CAT test scores that year, they were off the chart and the school asked for a meeting with my mom. They explained, I would be bored during the next 3 years of my school and there was nothing further to teach me that I didn't already know. They asked my mom to provide me with the GED test so I could graduate early and move on to college. My mom said no. She wanted me to finish.

I felt betrayed by her and so I controlled the only thing I could and began to fail all my classes. I was sent to continuation school and before the Board of Directors but I was bound and determined to prove them all wrong. My mom in her frustration, gave me an ultimatum which was work or finish school. I chose to work. It wasn't until I was in my 30's that I took my GED and rated 98% in most of my subjects nationwide. Sometimes you just need parents to trust you.

5. Thankful. I am thankful for so many things in my life. I am thankful for my salvation in Jesus Christ so I know my life doesn't end here and He continues to work in my life at all times, even when I don't think He is. He has walked and carried me through the darkest valleys of my life and saved my mortal life on more than one occasion. I am thankful He has provided me with an amazing family, a home to live in and the finances to get us through each day. I just need to remember to give thanks to Him even when things are going badly.

Once again, if you want to participate, leave me a comment and your email and I will randomly select 5 words for you. What a great way to learn just a little bit more about each other and have fun sharing our lives with you.


  1. This is a neat idea for a post. I learned some new things about you. You are one smart cookie if they wanted you to skip high school and go on to college.
    I am going to check out your daughter's blog too. Thanks for sharing that. Rachel has a blog too but she has not been keeping it up much lately. I think I will direct her to Caitlin's blog too.

    Have a great week,

  2. Sure. Send me five. I am going to be spending a lot of time on planes the next two days, so I will have plenty of time to think about them.

  3. That was pretty amazing. Five words and I learned so much about you. I like it. Thank you for sharing some of yourself with all of us.


  4. Oh my. Someone was a rebellious girl wasn't she. haha
    And look how well you turned out. I will take a stab at it if you care to give me 5. But be careful what you ask for. :)

  5. What a great FIVE! =0)

    Glad you enjoyed the HTML tips. Hope they can come in handy for you in the future.

    Have a great Tuesday!


  6. Great list, love getting to know you better. And I would've doen the same. In fact kinda did, that's a post in itself. Go ahead and send me 5 and I'll work on it for next week!

  7. Kat. Nerd? ok, maybe I can see that. A rebellious youth? Never would have guessed it. You're not the only one guilty of stereo-typing.

  8. 5 Words...yet they said so much about you and your faith. Awesome! God bless you sister Kat!

  9. I enjoyed reading your post, Kat...the section on school impressed me, that parents sometimes need to have faith in their kids. We know we should trust parents, but there are times that a child, especially an older child, knows wat God has put in their hearts, whether they're aware of it or not...they know. We need to listen to their hearts more. Thanks for sharing this.

    God bless,


  10. Yes, such a neat post idea! I always love to learn about you and what God is doing in your life! Blessings, Laurie

  11. ooh! fun! AND what a great way to learn more about you, one of my fav bloggers! send me five too! ;-)

  12. You did great! It's amazing how much you can learn about a person through 5 words. Thanks for taking part in this.

  13. Cool idea...I learned so much about you from these five words.

  14. ok its official! We are truly sisters!! not just in Christ :)

    I L-O-V-E Jeremy Camp, Third Day and HELLO the Fray!!!! LOVE THEM :)

    Family...yep most important thing next to God NO DOUBT!

    Faith~ grow in it everyday! KNOW it is a gift and something to never be taken for granted.

    Love you and I may ask you for these but I got to get caught up first!!!

  15. Beautiful list, how nice getting to know more about you !
    ~ Hugs and blessings to you dear friend.

  16. Awesome Post Babe!

    I love the idea of giving and receiving 5 words and then having peole write about their 5 words!

  17. What a clever idea. Loved reading more about you! Amen to what you said about the Lord, I truly could not make it without Him.

  18. Isn't is amazing what we will lose over a bad decision even though we can turn it around. I'm not as smart as you but I disliked school, so I chose to work and take easy classes so I wouldn't have homework. Even then I was disappointed that the school allowed me to take classes that were well below my abilities.

    I'll play along.

  19. This was a fun post, enjoyed it.

  20. Delightful post Kat. Thank you once again! Blessings.

  21. This was so great. You are an amazing woman, someone I know I'd hit it off with in person too. :)

    Thanks for always having an encouraging word. Your comments always bless me. I really appreciate your purpose for this blog. I believe you're fulfilling that!

    Have a wonderful day. :)

  22. This was a great honest post. Very similar to your interview questions. It's a great way to learn more about someone. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  23. Neat idea!!!!!!!You are welcome to send me five if you would like. ((hugs)) sandy


My thoughts for the day are