Monday, September 7, 2009

Fresh Start ~ Book Review

I had the wonderful opportunity to get to read another great book from Thomas Nelson publishers called Fresh Start by Doug Fields. The title is pretty self-explanatory. I picture our days much like an Etch a Sketch. It begins when we awake each morning and everything we do and everything we say are recorded as a series of lines that are drawn on the Etch a Sketch.

However sometimes we make some bad choices or say things we know we shouldn’t have or thought things if we didn’t get around to saying them, which is just as bad. We begin to wish we could have a clean slate so we could begin again and make better choices. So we shake our Etch a Sketch up and down several times until the slate is once again empty and our life picks up right where we left off only those choice we made are forgiven through our confessions to Jesus Christ.

“Yet sometimes it seems as if it’s not that easy, it would be great if it was and that is where this book comes in. It is an invitation from God for a “fresh start” to a great life.

“It is an encouragement for us to pay attention to how short life is. Instead of blaming time as though it has a will of its own, we need to take responsibility and be good stewards of the time God gives us.

To do this we need help. This is where a prayer like the one found in Psalm 90:12 comes into play: “teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.”

That verse summarizes the theme of this book. We don’t want to be people stuck in whatever is holding us back. We want to live each day with the newness and abundance of life that Christ offers us. May God help us identify the true values in life – what matters most – and then give us the power to spend our time on those values.” (Pg. 182)

I found that while reading this book, I was able to deal with so many levels of things I had been holding onto like past grudges against people who had made my life miserable. Yet, what I discovered was that they had all moved on and I was still holding on to those past pains. This book helped me clear the slate so to speak and even if I never speak to these people again, I can feel confident that with God's help I have made my own fresh start. I am free, really free.

The best part of this book was on anger, discouragement and forgiveness. I would highly recommend this book to anyone that wants the feeling of freedom from past pain, grudges, despair, discouragement, bitterness and anger. Let this book along with God, help you start over again, fresh!

Without living out that prayer, many of us will squander our lives pursuing the values of the world. So if you are stuck dealing with frustration, anger, discouragement, fearful, worried or just unable to move forward because of something that is holding you back, this book is designed to help you break free and have that fresh start you have been seeking. Remember it’s never too late for a fresh start!


  1. Thank GOD for HIS amazing grace!
    Blessings, andrea

  2. Loved reading your post today, Kat. One of my favorite scriptures is Lam.3:23-24...His mercies are new every morning. The Lord pours our His grace and forgiveness on me every is a "fresh start", and I can know that my sins and failures of the day before have been wiped away. What an amazing God we have, what love is this! Blessings, Mary

  3. Oh, Kat that is so true. Even church service becomes a blog idea. I can not tell you. I always have a notebook in my purse or by my side to jot things down. So I guess I am obsessed, too. But it has helped me reach my goal of getting back to writing everyday and I love it! Plus, knowing that someone is interested in reading what I write on my blog has given me the courage to work on writing the book I was supposed to be writing for some time.

    Happy Monday!

    The other Kat

  4. You are so right. We all need to use better judgment when making choices. We should all strive to do the best we can each day. Alwast happy when you stop by.

  5. Sounds like a great book. Thank you for sharing this with us today. Life is indeed short and what a waste of time if we are living each day using just our own efforts and not being useful for Him.

    Have a great week sister Kat! God bless.

  6. Sounds like a great book and one that I need to read. I would love to have a "fresh start" in so many things. Everyday I think " I am going to do better controlling my tongue, to make better choices, to make someone's day, to not gossip, to not complain, I guess I could go on and on and on. I think I really need this book!
    Thanks for being so faithful in comments on my blog. I have not been in blog land in a while. Trying to get back into the habit of reading and comments and posting.
    Blessings to you sweet friend!

  7. I'm so thankful for the fresh starts in life. This sounds like a wonderful book and resource for those struggling with letting go of past mistakes.

    Carrying that extra baggage just makes the rest of the journey harder.

  8. Kat, This sounds like a really good book. Thank You for sharing. How is your MOM? I have been Praying and Thinking about her. Blessings,

  9. Great review Kat! Nuggets of good pondering you've put here! I appreciate your insights. The LORD is good!

    Love you.

  10. Sounds like a great book! I think I may have to see if I can find it! ((and I too have joined Thomas Nelson and am awaiting my first book to review! I love to read!!!))

  11. Holding on to anger, bitterness, etc. just keeps us in chains, like you said. Everybody else moves on and we're still in the prison of our own making!

    God made us and knows our weaknesses, and thankfully He is in the business of helping us keep our thoughts and minds focused on Him so that we can have that fresh start!

  12. This sounds like a book I need to read, girl. Thanks so much for telling us about it!

  13. Oh, I hope you'll post pictures of your fall decorating. I would love to see 'em and I'll bet everyone else would too!

  14. Kat, well put review. Thank you for posting. Blessings dear one.

  15. The verse you quoted from Psalm 90 is a verse that I take seriously. You did a very good review of this book, dear Kat. The book speaks of something that we all need in life, a fresh start.

    As the day is ending over here, I am looking forward to tomorrow, a brand new day, a fresh start, and another chance to experience God's new mercies and compassion!


  16. Good morning Kat,
    this sounds like a great book, I am trying to accept the Lords gift of a fresh start each day, and to let go of the things that hold me back from receiving this fresh start. I had to smile and nod my head when you wrote of how people who had hurt you got on with their lives, been there done that!.
    Thank you for coming by and blessing Charlotte, and you are so right I would love to have given everyone a special gift.

  17. Good review my friend....just catching up on my blogs. I am anxious to see who you highlighted yesterday so I can go meet my new friend ;)

    This book sounds really good and so glad you were able to be free from those hurts. I had 4 book when I returned, 2 I had won in giveaways, 1 I ordered and 1 was from a blog.....Don't know how I will fit all this in with the new one I ordered to reveiw as well!!.......Yes Lord teach me to make the most of my time so that i will grown in Wisdom!!!

    Love you....

  18. This is a must-read. Like CountryMom, I also have been wondering about how your mom is holding up.


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