Good Monday Morning every one, I've been away from my computer for a few days due to 3/4 of our family was down with the flu. I had the worst of mine over the weekend, but in recovery mode now.
I got this email story some time ago and found it inspirational to share with all of you this morning. Feel free to share it as you feel led.
by Grace Housholder
Earlier this summer when Dean and Brenda Rummel were traveling from Colorado to their home north of Kendallville, Indiana, they took a new route to avoid Chicago's traffic and potholes.
Dean is a real estate agent and Brenda is principal of Prairie Heights Middle School. Their motorcycle trips have taken them to every state except Alaska and Hawaii. However, on this trip, their motorcycle broke down in the middle of nowhere -- but really they were in just the right place.
The breakdown led to numerous new friendships. Terry and Pat Svetlecich brought them back home in their motor home and pulled the motorcycle on a trailer. They even dropped the bike off at a Honda shop.
"That's just me," Terry told the Morris newspaper. "Isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
In return, the Rummels insisted their new friends stay the night in Indiana and made them a home-cooked meal.
The Morris, Illinois, newspaper wrote about the Rummels' experience because Brenda sent a thank you note to the community. People who read her letter to the editor asked the newspaper to tell the rest of the story.
I found out about the story through a random Google e-mail alert.
* * * *
I called Dean and Brenda and told them I had read about them online in the Morris newspaper. They had not seen the article. Then Dean shared with me another story from the same remarkable journey.
The day before their breakdown they were whizzing through Iowa on I-80. Surprisingly, the low fuel light went on. Dean knew he shouldn't be low on fuel, but he also knew he couldn't ignore it.
There weren't many places to get fuel so he got off at the nearest exit and found a gas station.
When he "filled up" he found out the tank would only take about three gallons. It confirmed what he thought and the gas level was not low.
A shove on his shoulder made him turn around. It was a woman who seemed to have come out of nowhere.
"There's a storm coming. Power lines will come down. High winds," she said. "Get off the road."
Dean and Brenda were startled. The sky at the gas station was clear. There was no storm in sight. They did not understand the woman's concern and they decided to continue on I-80 to their destination 100 miles away.
The woman's tone was urgent.
"Folks, get off the road," she repeated. "Get off the road! There's a bad storm coming!"
The woman's persistence and her urgent tone made Dean change his mind and head for Iowa City, 12 miles away.
As they sped toward Iowa City, storm clouds suddenly popped up.
They increased their speed, racing toward Iowa City. With every passing moment the sky became more threatening. They found a hotel and quickly checked in.
The minute they shut the door behind them, the storm struck with fury. Raging winds threw tree limbs across the road. The storm was so strong that the electricity went out for 2-1/2 hours.
Escaping the storm's fury seemed like a miracle.
Looking back, Dean believes the woman who warned them and then disappeared must have been an angel.
I had an experience like that once, sitting in the waiting room while my husband was having peridontal surgery. The woman told me that it would be ok, and never saw her again. And hubs has been ok.
Great story. Thanks for sharing it. Glad you're feeling better. Blessings, SusanD
I hope I never am in a storm like that. I enjoyed hearing their story and things do happen for a reason. Take care.
Wow, what a great story. I love to hear things like that, it's so comforting somehow.
So sorry you guys had the flu, my oldest had it too, 3 days of high fever and body aches, yuk. Hope you all are so much better soon.
Beautiful story...of God's intervention to protect His children.
I pray you're feeling much better now sister Kat and the rest of your family. I'm anticipating to get my flu shot but it does not guarantee we won't get sick. God bless.
Glad you are feeling better...
thanks for sharing an encouraging story. It is nice to be reminded that we all have our guardian angels.
Wonderful story. Nothing happens by chance, to everything there is a reason.
Goes to show what I been saying all along. "You meet the nicest people on a motorcycle."
I bet SusanD, could tell you a few.
I've heard of these kinds of stories/events in peoples lives many times. Angels are everywehre ...
I get premontions all the time ... they kind of spook me out sometimes, but rarely are they incorrect. I do listen to them when received.
Hope everyone is on the mend by now.
TY for sharing. Have a great week. TTFN ~Marydon
Glad you all are feeling better!
Story of encouragement for sure.
my mom tells a story like this...the angel came to their door.
I love it when we recognize God's blessings in these miraculous ways...so cool...Our God is the MOST creative at showing us His blessings...if we'll stop and recognize them.
The flu? Oh yuck!!! I do hope and pray that y'all are feeling LOTS better by now.
Great story - God is so good and I love hearing how He has working in lives of other people. Some call it coincidence, but I call it the Providence of God!
Gives you chills doesn't it. Thanks for sharing.
Hope you are all on the mend there...no fun when sickness hits the household.
Great story. I love the picture too. It reminded me of an experience my grandma had once. I think I will post about it.
I hope you're feeling better. One of my grand-girls was down for two days with that bug.
Thanks Kat. I do totally believe in angels although I must admit I do not know how they work in our lives. That having been said, I do not have to know how they work to know they do work and to accept their blessings.
God Bless,
I believe in angels. We may have encountered some of them without even realizing it, like the Bible had said.
Oh, and I do wish for a speedy recovery for everyone at home!
We need to make sure that we are always listening to God when he is speaking to us.
Kat, I just got around to checking the comments on my last post. I'm so happy that you liked the poem and appreciate you giving me the opportunity. Have a super week.
God Bless,
What a great story. I'm glad you shared it, because these kinds of things don't usually make the news.
Sorry you all had the flu but glad you are on the mend now.
I enjoyed the storm story ... That is just like our heavenly father ... he is watching over us when we don't even know we need it.
Thank you father .
Elsie <><
What an amazing story.
I hope you have escaped the storm too, now that your family is on the mend!
Such a great story, thanks for sharing.
This is a great story! God is so good, always looking out for us :)
Angels among us...
Its so incredible and fantastic, and so many times we never even see them!
Thank you for sharing this story!
Wow! Praise God for sending his angel to warn them!
I'm sorry your family has been ill. I hope all of you will be well soon!
Ugh, the flu! Already?? I hope your family gets and STAYS well! Thank you for the inspiring stories. I love uplifting postive stories like that.
Hope everyone is feeling better at your house today!
Great post!!! Thank you for sharing:) I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. I'm sooooo scared of all this flu talk. I get my shot next week and I hope I can keep from getting it.
That was an amazing story. I do believe that God is at work in this world and still very much in control. Most people would have just ignored this woman and gone ahead with their plans.
Oh Kat, I am sorry that ypu have all been sick. Glad you are feeling better though. Thanks for sharing this story! I definitely believe that angels take care of us.
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