Monday, August 17, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request Needed

I just received a phone call from my sister that my mom's only brother has just passed away. The complications surrounding his passing are difficult to comprehend. Let's just say that it was a random series of events that when compiled together brought about a very early death. He had a surgery and some complications developed that the doctors should have got and didn't. He therefore sustained infections arising from his surgical procedure which should have never happened.

His name was Joseph Maximonis and he was my Uncle and my mom, Rose's, only brother. The only thing I can remember about him was the few times we went to visit him on vacation to the east coast. He raised race horses and race them. It was his life and the only life his family knew. I didn't know him very well at all, but I do know he was married to a woman named Kay and they shared one son, BJ.

My mom. Rose, is one of those very proud individuals who refused to visit him, because she had heard that he was refusing visitors, even close family. My mother is the kind of person that likes to remember people for who they were, rather than the current person that now no longer resembled the person she knew and loved. We begged her to fly home to Philadelphia before it was too late. I didn't want my mother to live with any regrets of wishing she should have gone.

Today upon hearing news from her sister that he passed away at 1pm, California time, she called no one. She didn't call my sister or me but merely waited for us to go about our daily dealings because there is no reason to warrant a phone call. There was no one other than that short phone call from her sister for her to share her grief with. My sister knew there was something wrong when she got home from work by the look on my mother's face.

Even now, she is finding things to keep herself busy and avoid dealing with this. My sister has attempted to talk to her, but she pretends to go about her day and just carry on.

I was told my mother did get a chance to speak with him before his death a couple of weeks ago and he said he was improving and didn't want anyone to come visit him. So as you can see this has come as a complete shock to my mother.

Please if you can, lift her up in prayer tonight. Allow her the opportunity to be able to share her grief with God if she can't share it with us and allow God to send the Holy Spirit to comfort her and give her a peace that will pass all understanding. I know God has given my mother an extreme measure of strength which is why she can manage this so well, or apparently so.

If any of you would like to send her a card, please email me at and I would be more than happy to pass along her information. Perhaps my mom just needs to see that people really do care, the same people that I know I have met on this blogging community!


  1. I would love to send her a card....Just send me her address at

    The race horse caught my attention at once. My Dad owned race horses all his adult life....that was his one and only passion...We all had one named after us....and we still get royalties off them today, so I guess that puts me still in the racing business.

  2. Kat, I am so sorry for your and your moms loss. I have prayed for her and will continue to do so. I ask God to be with her, in her time of need. To cradle her and give her peace and strength. My Dear Friend, I am so very sorry. Many Thoughts and Prayers, Audrey

  3. Oh Kat, I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your uncle and the internal pain your Mother is enduring right now.

    I have prayed as you asked and will continue to pray for your precious Mother and for the entire family.

    I would love to send a card to your Mother and my prayers. I will email you now.

    Love you Sis.

  4. Kat,

    I wanted to come here to tell tell you thanks for the blog award to let you know I have the announcement of it posted now. Then I read this. I am so sorry for you and your family at this sudden loss. We will pray. God bless you at this time!

  5. Kat,

    I sent you an email and am praying for all of you!

    I know everyone deals with these situations in their own way and only the LORD knows her pain and the depths of it. I will pray that the HOLY Spirit can comfort her and help to release her feelings if only to HIM so then it can bring healing for these issues she has been trying to understand and deal with in regards to her brother. Your poor momma...

    I will lift up Josephs family as well, may the Lord bring them comfort and peace in the midst of their pain and sorrow!

  6. I'm so sorry for this loss. Please send me your Mom's address.

  7. Kat,

    I am so sorry for your loss and your mother's pain. Please do email us so that we may send her some notes.

    I know this sounds odd but, even this sad news sounds so eloquent when you write it.

    Wishing you peace tonight that only our saviour can give.

    With love,


  8. Kat,
    I am praying that your mom will receive the peace that only GOD can give and that HE will place the correct person(s) in her path in order for her to share her grief and deal with her loss. I pray she will not bottle up this pain, as many of us do. I will be emailing you.
    GOD BLESS, sweet one....I am so sorry!
    Love you, andrea

  9. Prayed just now before commenting here. The Lord knows our hearts and I pray that His love and comfort will cover your mom and her family & your uncle's family. And may His healing power cover all those areas that were broken and be restored still. Love you in Christ.

  10. Kat,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's brother. I will definitely be praying!

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Your Mom will be in my prayers.

  12. I am sorry for your loss Kat. I pray God will comfort your mom and your family.

  13. kat - i'd love to send your mom a note. my email is

    thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words to me - so very kind and lifted me up :)

    love, hugs, and prayers!

  14. OH, I'm sorry to hear it. Praying for you and your family.

    Suddenly the mom superpowers seem oh so limited. =0(

    But the Power of Prayer is REAL! And I do know how to use it.



  15. My Dear Friend,

    I just prayed after I read your post. I am so sorry for your mom's loss and yours. I would love to send your mom a card. Please send me her address at my e-mail:

    Heavenly Father,

    I lift up Kat's mom to you this very moment. I ask that she release her tears and her mind and heart feelings to you at this time. You know her heart Father, but it is important that she be able to grieve and for her to release that pain to you. Father, I pray that you bless Kat's mom with love, grace, peace, tranquility, tender mercies, coourage, strength, faith and hope. It is always a trying time when a life is lost here on earth and I pray that you bless the entire family with much grace and peace that DOES go way beyond their understanding. I pray Father that people will step into their lives and lift them up especially at this moment and that they surround all of them, especially Kat's mother with so much love, friendship and support in Jesus precious name. Amen.

    I love you dear friend,

  16. Oh dear Kat, this is so sad. When is your uncle's funeral? Couldn't your mom make plans to be there for the funeral and memorial service and somehow bring a closure to her grief?

  17. Certainly I will life your whole family up in prayer dear one, especially for your mom and you. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  18. will be praying for your mom.
    i dont know why, but a priest told us that we should 'not be sorry' when one dies. i guess it's because he'd finally get to be with the Creator.

  19. I will pray for your family, especially your Mother.


  20. Oh Kat, My heart goes out to you and your family at this time of loss. I know all about complications from surgery. Scary stuff. Yes, please send me your mom's address. Blessings, SusanD

  21. Hi sweet sister,
    I will pray for your mom. I am sorry for her (and your family's) loss. And, I will contact Steve for her address.
    Please keep me updated.
    Much love, Laurie

  22. Kat,
    I tried to email you and it keeps coming back. Please email me your mom's info at:

    LOVE YA, andrea

  23. So sorry to hear this. We are praying for the family! We also would love to send a e-mail is

    Many Prayers,

  24. God's love is bigger than our pain, and when we're in pain it's sometimes hard to remember He's there. It breaks your heart to hear a situation like this. Praying special grace for your mother and any of her family during this time of grieving.

  25. Everyone,

    Thank you so much for the love and support you have all poured out for me and my mom. It has been overwhelming. My email has been full ever since my post late last night when I got the call.

    I plan on printing this off, along with all the thoughtful words, and prayers that so many of you are sending my moms' way and for the suprising response to send my mother a card or a note from you.

    I just wanted her to know how much people truly care in this world and that the love of Jesus Christ can come through the most difficult of situations.

    When I spoke with her about flying home for the funeral, she said his wishes were for cremation and speading his ashes over the stables and race track where he spent his happiest days. This is suppose to happen within the next day or so.

    There are no formal plans for a funeral, just abiding by his last wishes. I have told my mom, she needs to return home and a point of her choosing and when she feels ready.

    Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and may God bless each and every one of you for helping my mom see the love that exists for all of us, everyday.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  26. I just said a prayer for your mother and your family.

  27. My thoughts and prayers are with you...

  28. Your family are in my thoughts!

  29. I am very sorry to hear that.

    Right now she is probably in shock. When my dad died unexpectedly I was very shocked, and it didn't quite hit home for awhile.

    She is probably grieving when she is alone. My mom did alot of crying when she was alone, she said.

    I will pray for her and your family.

  30. I will definitely pray Kat. I am so sorry to hear of that news.

  31. Kat, I'm so sorry to hear of this loss in your family. Your mother is not alone in this. Her loving Father has his arms wrapped tight around her. Hugs to all of you,

  32. Words are only words when we are in so much pain from loss and the reality has not set in. A touch, a hand or sitting quietly with our dear ones that are in pain can do wonders. The reality of your mother's loss will come, and the reality of Christ lifting her and wiping her tears will occur. My blessing to all of your family

  33. Kat, Just checking back with you to see how your mom was doing. I have her in my Thoughts and Prayers. Please send me her info, I would love to send her a card. Many Blessings my friend, Audrey


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