Each week we can sometimes get caught up in life that we forget to slow down and see just how far we have come. Today is that day. If you have never taken the time to participate, it’s not too late. Just a few clicks away to Sonya’s blog at Truth 4 the Journey will get you on the path to get started.
Here are my weekly reflections:
1. I am thankful for the daily blessing God gives us every day. Too often we take for granted the little things in life, like breathing, seeing, hearing, talking and even the ability to feel the hugs of a child or the kiss of a loved on our skin. I am thankful that God still finds a purpose for me here each day. As long as I am breathing, I am still living. As long as I am still living, God has a reason for me to be here. So I thankful for those little things in life.

2. I am thankful for my ability to have a family, a home and food to eat. As so many are currently hanging on with nothing to get them through the day. I will never take these things for granted but I will also remember a house is just four walls while a home is where love resides always no matter if it’s a house, a car or a box. It’s home.

3. I am thankful for the ability to worship freely whereas in some places people spend their time hiding just to read a Bible or to share fellowship with other believers. Where they are persecuted for their beliefs while I can attend the church of my choosing and express my faith anywhere any time.

4. I am thankful that I live in a country that for now allows me the freedoms some spend their whole life fighting for. That even now we have our own country men and women in those areas trying to restore basic human rights for so many that are deprived of them. I am thankful I can speak my mind even though I may not agree, I am thankful I can come and go as I please and I can read, write and work as a woman!

5. I am thankful for the amazing sounds that God provides daily. From the singing of the birds in the morning, to a meowing of a hungry kitten, to worship and praise songs that sound so amazing, I know I can see heaven right in the midst of it all. Nothing beats the fact that this world was created by one who knew exactly what He was doing. It did not arrive as a speck or a big bang! If it did, one question for those of you that honestly believe that, where did the speck or big bang come from, it had to have been created from the smallest atom or DNA fragment, it all began somewhere. Yup! That’s what I thought, God is amazing!

“Worshiping God in adoring embrace, celebrate in trembling awe. Blessed are all those who put their trust in HIM!” Psalm 2:11-12
Beautiful lists and awesome pics! Just took a quick break from vacuuming [I'm almost done:)] and was just thanking God, despite the heat, He provides us with safe, clean water to drink...I'm thanking Him that despite me slowing down and not having the same energy as I'm "80" now, not 18, He gives me the strength to accomplish all the tasks I need to do. So to You Lord, we praise You and honor You...
Blessings to you sister and stay COOL!!!
Awesome list and beautiful pictures! I am thankful for prayer warrior friends like you!
Blessings, andrea
PS: Please visit my friend at http://seaglassreflections.blogspot.com and read the post: Please Help. She is in desperate need of prayers, encouragement, and verses to get her through this time.
I love your list and the photos you added to go with each one. Have an awesome day, my friend. Blessings, SusanD
Great list! I remind my children everyday of how blessed we are.
Shoot! I remind myself too. It is way too easy to take what we have forgranted,in our busy lives, when so many people have nothing.
This is absolutely wonderful Kat!
There is so much to be thankful for I don't know where to begin because there is no ending...the thank You's unto GOD are endless.
I love you.
What a wonderful list. Thank you for reminding us each week to stop and smell the roses and to thank God for them at the same time.
Love love love your list this week Kat!!!! So much to be thankful for!
This was absolutely beautiful from beginning to end. The Psalm at the end is just perfect, but isn't God's world always just that...perfect? Yes, and Amen.
What WONDERFUL pics with your TT list! Pictures help so much to bring our God's heart and in this case- a more thankful heart for me.
Love ya, Laurie
what a gorgeous bird...
Great Thankful List Kat! I love that last picture of the bird. It is beautiful! We have a great God, don't we? :)
I love your thankful posts. I can come over and say AMEN!
Great list of true thanksgiving! So much that we take for granted, and yet you have eloquently laid them all out for us to ponder.
Blessings ~ Lisa
What a great list and a lot to be thankful for!!
One of the most inspiring post I have seen. I can say Amen to all you said. We are all guilty of getting lost in the real world and neglect our spiritual. Wonderful job. I am so proud you paid me a visit. If you can be sure to read my Tuesday, 9-1 post.
Great list!
You have the most beautiful heart my friend!! so so beautiful! you bless me like you can't even believe!
i love how eloquently you wrote this today~ you truly have a gift....
love you dearly!
God Is Amazing!!! Thank You as always Kat. You are such a blessing, As are your posts. What a great list to be Thankful for. I know I have told you before, but wanted to say again. I treasure your friendship. Have a great day. Blessings,
Amen! Sista
I love to see your Thankful Thursdays. Even if for just the moment I am here, I get to focus on my daily blessings.
Happy Friday!
The other Kat
One of my favorite posts you do each week is your Thankful Thursdays. This week, you did it so beautifully with poignant pictures to match your words. Kat, I am getting to know you more and more with each post of yours that I read, and with each thoughtful comment that you leave on my blog. I want you to know that I appreciate the time and effort you devote to making yourself a blessing to me personally. Thank you for this post!
Such a precious thankful list.
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