God is so abundant in his love and grace that sometimes it can be so overwhelming but not something I would take for granted. I started this blog with hopes of journaling my life for the next year and see what path God had taken me on. What I truly did not expect was the overwhelming amount of friendship, love and prayer support that the blogging community offered. It was like a prequel to the things to come in Heaven.
Sonya at Truth 4 The Journey came along at just the right time to allow me opportunities every Thursday to think about some of the things I was thankful for each Thursday. It's about reflection and gratitude and a way I believe to say thank you to God for these blessings that happen not only once a a week by every minute of the day. If you would love to participate, please stop by her blog and join us. It will completely change your perspective on God's power in your life.
1. I am thankful for the amount of love and prayers from all my blogging family this week when my mom called to tell me her brother had past away. I had so many emails and comments offering prayers and thoughts and even included sending my mom a card to let her know that people from all over the United States really care about one grieving soul. Thank you from my heart for your outpouring of love. It has forever changed me.
2. I am thankful for Tiffany at Tea with Tiffany. I won a book during a giveaway on her blog and just got time to sit down and begin reading it. It's called Real Moms...Real Jesus by Jill Savage. I love it so far and have only completed the first two chapters but it is already having positive effects on my family life as a mom. I can't wait to share my insights with you all in the coming weeks. Thanks again Tiffany for a well recommended book.
3. I am thankful for my daughter, Caitlyn, who proposed a wonderful idea about using her Christian Club's fundraising efforts this year to possibly help a ministry she is super passionate about. Once she gets all the details, I can share the rest with you. For now, however, she has an amazing giving heart towards helping others without thinking about herself.
4. I am thankful for my tailbone is on the mend finally after about three weeks of really taking a toll on my life as a mom. You would never believe the things you can't do when your tailbone is out of commission. At least I was able to blog and keep talking to all of you throughout my recovery. Thank you so much for all your personal prayers for healing. It went a long way.
5. I am thankful that my husband Steve continues to help me out in every way a husband can and then beyond even that. He has been a great help with my recovery and just God giving him the opportunity to be at home working, has enabled me to get better that much quicker. It has also given me new eyes to see all the unconditional love this man shares for me. I am so lucky that I have him and will continue to see all the great qualities he has for as long as I have him. I love you Steven! Thank you for picking me to marry!
So as you can see, just being specific allows you to really take the time and enjoy just how much God blesses you weekly and I thank all of you for just being part of my family. If you haven't decided to follow me, please do. You're not just becoming a follower of my blog, you are becoming part of my family, and I love you all for that.
Kat, You are such a blessing to me. Your friendship mean a lot. I pray you have a great day. Many Blessings, Your Friend Audrey
Your grateful heart flows over and i feel it all the way here in OK :)
I am so thankful too that you are beginning to feel better and that Steve was able to love and nurture you with each day these past few weeks!
Praying your mom will see Jesus with each and every card that she receives and that the words will wash over her heart and Spirit with the love!
I just love you!!! thankyou for this thankful post....I am oh so thankful for YOU
tail bones are one of those things you don't want to break.
one of my friends broke hers during band practice and she was out the entire marching season...
glad you're better
good list :)
And thankful for dear encouragement friends like you. I love Thankful Thursdays, I might just have to join you one of these days.
Besitos (little kisses in Spanish),
Sarah Dawn
Hey Kat,
I also loce the opportunity to reflect and be thankful for the week. It really makes me focus and think. Great list and I am so glad you're on the mend. Hope your mom is ok also.
So glad you are feeling better and love your thankful lists!
Collette xxx
Like what I had commented before, the Lord did turn your accident into good because you love Him!!! Having that pain slowed you down but you were able to see more things on a deeper meaning. I felt it through this "thankful post..."from a very thankful heart.
God bless you sister Kat and thanks be to God for His gift of friendship. I treasure yours. Love to you :)
I am sorry to hear about your uncle. I pray that your mom can feel some comfort and peace.
I seem to see a running theme with several of us being thankful for our bloggy friends. It is a neat kind of network, isn't it? It is wonderful that God can find modern ways to connect Christians with one another and to touch those who may not know Him.
You are a kind and gentle soul, Kat, and it has been a blessing getting to know you!
Love and Hugs, Leslie
Kat, I thought it was supercool to thank your hubs for picking you. WAY COOL!
Love to you,
God loves our thankfulness.
Love your list and all the blessings that go with it.
So glad you are on the mend.
I'm thankful for you, this Thankful thursday and your friendship...
You are right, pausing to think of all the thankfuls, warms the heart, the thankful's and the thankful's readers' hearts.
Thankful for your bottom half and your better half, as it were, this week. LOL! Excuse the joke.
Looks like a great list. The Christian blogging community is the BEST and so supportive.
Glad you are doing better.
What a beautiful list...yes, God does bless us abundantly!
Thank you for sharing your heart with us...
P.S. I'm glad your tailbone is feeling better....ouch!
Very nice. I'm glad your health is improving and you are able to begin getting back to your regular life!
I did not get to join in Thankful Thursday this week but hope to next. My blogging friends have been such a blessing to me already and as they increase, the blessings continue to flow. Again, thank you for sharing.
God Bless,
I've enjoyed reading this post...happy to know that you're on the mend. I began blogging because of my interest in decorating and tea, but never expected to find so many Christian men and women that actually talk about their faith, pray for and with each other, and share their hearts on practical issues. What a blessing to find all of you. God bless you, Kat.
I love love your loving and grateful heart - you are an inspiration to me daily.
I think it's so awesome that your hubby and daughter have a blog! Nobody in my family has one. However, they all have facebook, though my hubby rarely posts a status on it.
I'm glad you're feeling better. I agree, I have made many great friends on here, and you're one!
Oh, and i have no idea what we did with it afterwards. I just remember it flying across the room!
Hey Sis. Glad to be part of the family. So what's for dinner?
Hi! This is my first week joining in for Thankful Thursday and I think it is so awesome! I enjoyed reading your list of all you're thankful for.
I'm not sure what you did to your tailbone but I can truly *feel* your pain! When I delivered my middle daughter, over 17 years ago, my tailbone was fractured during the delivery due to her position. Ever since then, I have had a lot of trouble with it. Then, a couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with a very rare neurovascular disease that has left me homebound and basically bedridden, thus drastically limiting my mobility. This, plus the fact that I also have a type of reactive inflammatory arthritis, has really taken a huge toll on my joints, especially my tailbone. It is very frustrating to say the least!
I will definitely pray that yours will heal well and not give you any further problems.
Well, it has been nice 'meeting you'. I hope you have an amazing weekend!
Many blessings,
Teresa <><
I am thankful that you are getting better. Great Thankful Thursday Kat! Have a wonderful weekend!
Kat, that is a beautiful list. I hope you know what a blessing you are to all of us. Just visiting your blog puts a smile on my face and peace in my heart. You are such a warm spirit and I'm thankful for you!
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