Each week I look back and have so much to be thankful for that just finding 5, makes it challenging but also keeps it real for me. I know reading long posts can be hard. I love taking part in this and if you too would love to join, please head over to Sonya's Truth 4 The Journey and come along for a great time. You are guaranteed to meet some amazing people and share in the blessings each of us receives over a weeks time.
1. I am thankful for the many prayers I received while recovering from my tailbone injury I got while roller skating. I am grateful I haven't lost the drive to pick it up again and it will serve as an example to my kids that you can't let life get you down and steal your joy. You have to take it back again and keep living.
2. I am thankful for the blessed opportunity I had last night with my oldest daughter, Caitlyn, who is in the midst of high school dating and looking for a boyfriend. I am glad I got to sit down with her last night after reading a chapter from the Noticer, about what teens can do to make sure their marriages don't end in divorce. It was so simple and written from a Christian impact, it makes parents feel at ease and it's really so simple for teens to understand.
After our talk in which I asked her three simple questions and then explained the concept of the story to her, a light came on in her head that could have only come from God and she was able to take those concepts and shine that light on all her past relationships and see where things went wrong and how she can avoid them in the future. It also helped her see that certain relationships no matter how bad you want them, just aren't for you.
3. I am thankful for being given the opportunity to review the book, The Noticer, for free thanks to Thomas Nelson publishing. After just reading half way through the book it has completely changed my entire outlook on life and would be a book that I would recommend to every parent of a teen to buy! It's just that good. Watch for my review next week. I would have finished it already but somethings just need time to marinate.
4. I am thankful for God inspiring me to not only choose this book, but allowing me the opportunity to use it to have a talk with Cait about dating. I am so confident right now with her ability to use this information, it will complete change her and her view about dating in a positive light. God provided Caitlyn to be receptive to the words and nothing else could have reached a teen on her level like this story. I didn't even have to be the one to point it out, the Holy Spirit was able to minister to her once her heart was open.
5. I am so thankful to my hubby for being my hero and taking care of most of my needs this week and all of my needs last week. Without him being here, this road to recovery would have been very long, but also super lonely. We were also able to spend some quality time with one another and really get time to just sit down and talk. We've learned something new based on that book The Noticer, that has done a 180 degree turn on the way we treat each other in our marriage and it really works!
Well that sounds like the next book on my must read list. Although we already did a 180 after reading the five love languages so this one might put us right back where we use to be and that would be bad. :)
I loved your last post. I had a surfboard made in Huntington Beach when I was a young surfer.
More great things to be thankful for! The book sounds good.
So precious that you had that moment to speak with Cait, heart to heart, and using that what sounds like a great book...You just know when the Lord wants to bless an obedient heart, blessings come one after another...God bless you and your family always.
We do have a lot of fun around here. That would be great if our families could meet up some time! I love the concept of this post. Remembering to be thankful, even if it's just for 5 things.
Have a great Thursday!
♥ Nana
Love your list! I will be picking up that book, thank you for the suggestion.
Great list sister. There is nothing like when the "light comes on" for us. What a precious experience w/your daughter. It's so neat being able to read what you and your hubby both write about your family on your blogs. Glad God has blessed you with one another.
Love, Laurie
You have my interest peaked. I look forward to hearing more about the book. I love how God puts just we need into our hands, just when we need it.
Blessings ~ Lisa
I hope that we can continue to grow together as a husband and wife! Seeking Gods word and learning what each others wants and needs are! I am thankful for having you in my life everyday!
Love you more each day!
Steve aka Hubby
I love to read these posts.
Dr. S. M. Davis has some excellent materials on dating, too. YOu might check out his website. After viewing some of his videos my daughters made a firm commitment to do things God's way and wait for His choice for them. We feel so blessed that dating and the boy/girl deal doesn't exist for them and they can focus on growing to be Godly young ladies and their education without all the drama and pain those relationships can cause.
Ps. Saw your comments at Michelle's site. well spoken.
I will most definately be getting that book! and also begin praying about it right now! :)
I am loving your daughters blog and have told Jenna she needs to become acquainted with Caitlyn!
Hope you had a wonderful time and was refreshed at the beach!
Love you!!
I will need to get that book I think! I think it is wonderful the way you can sit down and talk about these things with your daughter. I am sure many parents would just not do that! I want that kind of relationship with my kids. You are an example to me!
Collette xxx
Kat, As always it is a blessing to read your blog. You have a great Thankful list. I hope you are feeling better. You are such an awesome lady. Please pick up your awards from me. You deserve them. Blessings,
That definitely sounds like a book I need to read too. It sounds like it has made a great impact on all of your lives.
You have been blessed indeed and you bless me with your posts.
Loved hearing about the book and will pick one up....Have a great weekend...
I am thankful for you and your friendship, love, and prayers! Thank you for being YOU!
Blessings, andrea
Oh I can't wait for your review...I need a good inspirational book to read!
I wish I had picked that book. It sounds very thought provoking! I look forward to your review! (Oh, I answered your question about what I'm reviewing in a post that will come out tomorrow!)
Have you actually been on skates since your fall? You're very brave!!
Hugs and Blessings, Leslie
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog, my friend! I appreciate you!
I am glad you are on the road to recovery and your tailbone is getting better.
What a precious time with your daughter. These kids just can get their hearts trampled, and for no good reason!
I had such a special opportunity to talk with the young gals at our church about purity and dating, and some principles for guarding your heart (and body). I loved that time with them.
I mean, really, what is the purpose of dating? To find a mate. And if you're not ready to settle down and get married yet, then why date? You're just going to go out and give your heart away to someone who won't appreciate and protect it (or deserve it, either, probably).
I'm glad your precious girl has you to talk to, and to guide her along the way. She sounds like a sweetie, and someday, some man will be very blessed to have her.
We have got to stop being so much alike. I too am reading the Noticer for Thomas Nelson. I love, I mean LOVE the book. It's awesome. I can't wait to read your review.
By the way, I was the one that emailed you but you probably didn't recognize my name without the chocolatecovereddaydreams name instead.
I, too am reading The Noticer, very intriguing. It does give a fresh dose of perspective.
I'm glad you were able to help your teen by having that time with her to talk openly. You are a great Mom!
Take Care,
Sonya Lee
Those mother daughter talks are the best. I'm going to check out the book you suggested here.
When my 22 year old son was about 17, we read Josh Harris' book I Kissed Dating Good-by. He bought into that philosophy hook, line and sinker and it has proved to be a good thing. The other great read for him on this subject was When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric Ludy. My son's in the first serious relationship he's ever had right now, with a committed Christian gal, who is a teacher and has never had a serious boyfriend before. From here, it sure looks like she's gonna be THE ONE. Smart.
Love your post, Kat, and thank you for the reference to the book. I will find it today! Our children, especially teens, need a strong foundation to stand firm when there is so much of the "world" coming at them. And they need parents like you that will love them enough to teach them what is true and what is not. Enjoyed your post very much...everything is a blessing, for those that love the Lord, even if we don't see it at the time. Take care, Kat!
hey! i just saw your comments today! thanks a lot for them :) it feels good to know that somewhere in this world someone really takes time to read my blog a.k.a diary.
this post you have posted have helped me with my situation right now with this guy. hehe! im hoping for the best for your family!
God bless :)
Hi, I saw your post on Country Mom's blog and noticed your picture. Are you an interpret by any chance? When ever I see someone us the I Love You sign I ask.
I enjoyed your post
7isheavenforus@blogspot.com or growinginJesusthroughhisword.blogspot.com
Kat, how is the tailbone? Going skating any time soon? Lovingly, Yolanda
Hi Sue,
Thanks for sharing that with us! We love your
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May the Lord bless you and your family!!
Mark, Lynn, Brooke & Carley Seay
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I am slowly with an emphasis on each of these letters in the word slowly, getting better. I do plan on resuming skating again but not plan on it until Thursday when they are having a private party for their local DJ at the skate rink so hopefully it won't be so crowded.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Wow, this is a meaty Thankful Thursday post, Kat. Thanks for sharing. It has certainly encouraged my heart just reading it. Am especially thankful that you were able to sit down with Cait and give her good mommy advice on a very important relationship.
Blessings on your weekend...
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