Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Smooth Sailing Down Memory Lane

Since most of you read my preliminary post of getting to the beach I thought I would share with you all kinds of things we did along the way and highlight it more with pictures than with text. We woke up and got things ready at a casual pace since it takes me a little bit more time than I would like to get ready I asked my family to not rush. We had all day since the beach closes at 10pm.

We ended up leaving once we packed up the car with food, drinks, beach chairs, boogie boards, towels and beach toys at around 12pm. We stopped along the way to gas up and eat at Jack in the Box. Their Mango tea is something to die for. It is that good plus with almost a 2 hour drive ahead of us, it was something to make the drive go by much easier.

For some reason whenever we take a trip to the beach I tend to be a bit nostalgic and remember when I used to live close to the beach. So close that I could ride my bike there as a kid. It just brought back fond memories. My parents sold that house when I was 7.

For some reason, I could always remember our old address 9432 Breakwater Circle and hubby was nice enough to indulge me and stop by and see if it was still there.

So as you can see, it still exists. Three bedrooms and two baths this house brought back block parties on our cul-de-sac, best friends living across the street and so much more.

Next stop I was able to navigate by memory, a 7-11 just outside on the corner if my memory served us correct and you know what?

Yup its still there right where I left it. I had to get a picture. I kept telling hubby as he was taking the picture and people started to look, Hey I grew up at this 7-11. It's where I returned all the coke bottles we found and could bring them right back to the store where they would redeem them and then we would buy candy and walk back home.

Yup that's right I had my kids shopping at the same 7-11 and candy counter I did when I was a kid only a whole lot younger. Ah memories!

Next we headed to the beach, our original destination. I counted from our house, it was only three blocks away. Then we had a slight disagreement in the car about why we sold that house? I explained to both of my daughters that had my parents not, it would be doubtful that either of them would be sitting right where they are. Enough said.

So $ 10.00 for all day parking and we set up our camp after hiking some 5 minutes just to get to the water. It is a long way, and one of the disadvantages in heading to Huntington. Once you make it to the water, it's beautiful but walking across all the sand is really hard to do with all your hands full.

SO I grab my book that I am reviewing for Thomas Nelson and I can tell you, great book! I will be blogging about it when I am done.

Kailee gives boogie boarding a try and this is where she spends most of her time.

Caitlyn decides to try it but takes Grimace along for a quick ride as well.

It looks like Kailee is done riding for today, she is getting cold.

Hubby and I stop and pose for a picture, under our umbrella since the wind was super cold and very windy.

Caitlyn asked if I could take a picture of her and Kailee. How could I not? It might be one of those rare opportunities that I can't pass up.

Kailee goes searching for shells to take home.

Steve and I get a picture at the beach so I can start posting pictures of me instead of always being the one taking them.

Cait is posing with seaweed from the ocean floor.

So we all decide to pack it up and head home.

On the way home, I showed my kids where I had my first, non fast food real job. Don Jose's Mexican Restaurant, the Original. We were all sandy and salty and decided to pass on eating here.

I showed them where I went to elementary school as a child and got to learn sign language because we shared school grounds with a deaf school next door. That's right I was a Taft Tiger!

Last place we stopped was the house I grew up in after we moved from Huntington Beach to this place in Santa Ana. When I asked my mom this morning why we ever sold our old house at the beach she said it was too small. This one had 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. I still miss the beach house. The temperatures there was beautiful and amazing ocean breezes all day. I mean three blocks to walk to the beach???

To top it all off once we got home and took showers to rinse the beach and sand off was that the Persied Meteor shower was last night between 12 midnight and 5am this morning. So at 12 midnight, Steve and I got lawn chairs out that reclined back all the way and put them on our front lawn and sat back and just watched the night sky for the wonders to begin.

It was amazing, it was so cool and dark out since we live in the desert we don't have the lights from the city ruining our view of the stars and in 30 minutes we saw over 7 shooting stars. Kailee had never seen one before and it was so exciting for her to try and capture them before they faded out. The Persied Meteor Shower comes every August around this time and is so reliable it guarantees about 80 meteors an hour. We all called it a night after about an hour.

So in keeping with the perspective to live your life to the fullest, not just as a kid, but as an adult, I think we had an amazing day.


  1. Wonderful memories and lots of beach fun. What a blessed day! Andrea

  2. When ever we go back to our home town the kids always want to go by our old house too.

    Living in the middle of the U.S. doesn't give me much opportunity for the beach but I sure love it.

    Thanks for sharing your trip.

  3. Wow, what a packed day. I loved seeing all the places you went and the houses you lived in. The beach looked like so much fun. Your girls are beautiful, and you & Steve look like such a sweet, gorgeous couple. Meteor gazing was the perfect way to end an already magical day.

  4. Beautiful pics and thanks for taking us with you down memory lane...How exciting to see the past, more special now that your kids got to see them!!

    God bless you and your beautiful family!

  5. Great day full of fun and memories!
    Your kids are beautiful.

  6. WOW! What an amazing day!

    I love that you stopped and took the time to remember some of your childhood.

    thanks for sharing such great pics and wonderful stories. :)

  7. What a wonderful day! I love that you revisited your youth. I would enjoy that too!

  8. Kat, what a f-u-n day for you and your family. What a neat picture of your hubs and you!


  9. I had a supercalifradgalisticexpialadocious time with you yesterdy! Can't wait to make more memories with you! Love you with all of my heart. Oh, by the way, now I don't have anything to blog about! LOL...

    Love You!

    Steve aka hubby

  10. What great photos sister. Sounds like a wonderful time! Love, Laurie

  11. what fun memories...and a day at the beach - what could be better :)

  12. I definitely would say you had one amazing day! Great pictures! It looks like your girls had a lot of fun! Glad to see you got out to enjoy that day!

  13. What a great road trip!!! I love the pictures. Huntington Beach...sigh. So gorgeous.

    It's so fun to revisit the places we grow up. Fun to pass that history along to our kids too. So glad you were able to do that!

  14. You were visiting my neck of the woods - Huntington Beach.. Did you go to high school here? My daughter will be attending Fountain Valley or Marina High next year - we practically live on Main St!!!!

    Welcome home..

  15. KAT!!!

    omg! Ok, my aunt and uncle live in Huntington Beach CA. and I actually lived there for a summer with them. Worked at a body shop with my Aunt. It is soo beautiful there and I LOVED the beach! I can't believe you grew up there!!! What a wonderful place to grow up and still be able to visit

    I am soo glad you were able to have such a wonderful family filled day and that you were able to go down memory lane and share that with your children! Your so beautiful and I so can't wait to hug your neck someday!!!

  16. Fantastic photos and memories! It must be so lovely being able to visit a beach like that.
    Collette xxx

  17. The beach? 7-11? You're making me homesick.

    My sister writes for Thomas Nelson. Have you reviewed anything by Rachel Hauck?

  18. Looks like so much fun! Such a blessing to spend a day surrounded by those you love.

  19. Rebekah,

    I have not read anything except from Andy Andrews at this point. I just started but will look for material from her once I finish the book I am reading.


    WOW that definitely makes getting together for a beach day a possibility if your ever game.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  20. WONDERFUL!!!
    i love this post. it makes me appreciate my being a teenager right now and akes me want to live life to the fullest!

    beautiful family by the way. one can see the love that binds you all together. can i ask a favor? please say hi to your pretty daughters for me.


  21. Kat, I loved this post. It was so fun to stroll down memory lane with you. I love the beach and shelling. Seeing your first house was awesome. I really enjoyed all the pics, and with you explaining everything it made it priceless. You have such a beautiful family. Many Blessings, Hope you have picked up all your wards from me. Please do. You are such an awesome lady. Blessings, Audrey

  22. What an amazing time you all had together...The way you shared the story an the pictures, I tell ya, I could feel the breeze from the ocean on my face..This was really a blessing to read. I'm glad I did.

  23. Omg!!

    I grew up in a house on breakwater circle! I went to eader elementary, gisler jr. high, and edison high school. small world!LOL


My thoughts for the day are