Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blog of the Week! ~ This Day!

Here it is Sunday, August 23, 2009 and once again God was wise enough to give me the opportunity to highlight another great writer in the blogging community to share with all of you today.

I came across Susan's blog from one of my many blog hopping days. You know the ones were you stop at someones blog, look at the list of blogs they are following, find an interesting name, you click on it and off you go.

When you arrive you find yourself someplace fantastic. Some place you wonder why it took you so long to get there and make this a new part of your family. Susan's blog did that for me. I found her blog This Day! through one of those adventures. When I stopped and read her blog I found that she is one of the most amazing people who has completely dedicated everything she does for the glory of God. From riding her Harley to writing her morning blogs, she is completely and honestly sold out for God.

Please join me in getting to know Susan much better as she has graced me with the privilege and honor of an interview with her.

1. Tell us a little about yourself we wouldn't know from reading your blog.

This is a tough question. There is so much of my life that you wouldn't know by reading my blog. I'm really introverted when it comes to talking about my personal thoughts and feelings. I think this blog is one way God is breaking down the barriers I put up. One thing you definitely don't know is that I didn't meet Jesus face-to-face until I was over 30 years old. Crazy, isn't it? That makes me very young as a believer. Hey, I kinda like the sound of that.

Anyhoo, you see, I grew up in a broken home where God wasn't discussed much. My dad raised me, my brother, and my sister. Dad did the best he knew how, and I'm grateful for his commitment to raising us. The little exposure I had to God and the Bible came from my grandparents. My grandparents lived several hours away and I didn't see them often. So this gives you an idea of how often the Lord was mentioned to me.

Yet looking back, I can see that God tugged at my heart from a very early age. There were different times in my life when the pull from God was very strong but I didn't understand what it meant or how to respond. Then in the summer of 1990, the Holy Spirit descended on my heart. At the same time, God opened the door for a friend to help me understand that it was God's voice calling me and what it all meant. I vividly remember the day I walked up to the alter, submitted my life to Christ, and accepted Him as my personal Savior. Retelling the story to you and seeing it in my mind's eye still stirs up tears of joy.
2. Where did you come up with the name of your blog "This Day!"?

The term "this day" was part of my prayer one day. I was praising God and thanking Him for "This Day." Working through prayers and requests for our children, family, friends for This Day. When I finally submitted to God's calling for me to write the blog, I struggled with coming up with a title. God brought to my remembrance that prayer. Eureka! Great title, Lord! Thank You very much. (Yes, I actually talk to God like that.)

I also wanted to incorporate the title into my posts. Sometimes I ask a question about today, This Day, or comment on how that applies to my life today, This Day. I think it's important to acknowledge that we only have today. Because today, This Day, God calls us to accept Him: "now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).

3. Why did you start blogging?

I'm starved for attention! hahaha Just kidding. Actually, I started blogging at the encouragement of my dear blogging friend, Laurie Pace. She is an exceptionally talented, godly woman who saw something in me that I didn't see in myself. Thank you Laurie for your encouragement and prayers.

When I started, my intent was to improve my writing skills and document how God impacts my life. God is so personal. He wants to be a part of every detail of our lives. Yet, He is perceived as some spiritual being who is out there somewhere or is all about controlling our lives. Some think God wants to force us to give up our lives or that we have to change to be accepted by Him; when in fact He accepts us just as we are and is all about adding to our lives abundantly. He wants to bless us in ways that bring a joy and happiness we can't get from anyone or anything else. My goal is to demystify God and bring Him into a personal light so others can experience His unconditional love for themselves.

4. If we stopped by your state, what are the three things we would need to see while we were there?

Illinois is such a large state with very distinct regions that covers so much area the climate varies dramatically between the north and the south. When you mention Illinois, most people automatically think of Chicago where there are world renown museums, restaurants, shopping, architecture, the Navy Pier, and.... did I mention the shopping?

I love visiting Chicago, but there is so much more to Illinois. Springfield is centrally located in the state and rich in history with Abraham Lincoln's New Salem historic site, home, law practice, and tomb. In the southern most part of the state are some of the most beautiful and accessible hiking and biking trails. Some points of interest include Garden of the Gods, Giant City State Park, River to River Trail, and the Trail of Tears.

5. What is your favorite part about blogging and your least favorite part about blogging?

Let's start with my least favorite part of blogging which is coming up with something to blog about. There are days where I sit with my fingers posed to type and nothing happens. I pray, I sigh, I start typing a few words only to hit the backspace key. What can I possibly tell someone that they will find interesting? uplifting? encouraging? Especially on days when my emotional state is not any of those things. When an idea does come to me, I seriously over edit my words. I struggle with getting each sentence perfectly structured, each verb tense correct, and transitions that are smooth. Some days it seems to take forever to get a single thought down. Then there are days where the words just flow, and I am amazed at how God has turned one simple idea into a life lesson.

The openness, caring, love, friendship, and prayer support in the blogging community is my favorite part of blogging. It was something that came totally unexpected for me. Before I started posting, I prayed fervently that God would bring visitors who needed to read the words He would inspire. When God works, it's rarely the result I expect. I have been the one who has been inspired, encouraged, prayed for, and blessed by the visitors He brought.

6. If you could have grown up in any decade from the early 1800's to 1900's or 20's, 30's, 40's ... which would you chose and why?

I've lived through some of those decades. I've seen the first man walk on the moon. I vividly remember the day President Kennedy was assassinated and his subsequent funeral on TV. I remember when The Beatles came to America and when our neighbors went off to Vietnam. So I'm going to pick something totally random. Do you know the song by Toby Keith, I Should Have Been a Cowboy? I'll wait while you play the chorus through your mind or search it on YouTube. That could have been me.

I could have been Annie Oakley or Calamity Jane or Perilous Priscilla. Looking at my blog photo you might not think this about me. I have always loved horses. So much so that I have owned several, bred some, raised some, yet sold all. The only thing that comes close to riding horseback without all the work is riding my Harley, but that is a different story.

Back to being a cowboy. I love to ride and shoot and camp out. Shoot? Yes! I've handled guns since my preteen years. Dad hunted pheasant and quail. Guns are tools. Oh, and I love the companionship and friendship bond between me and my horse. I also enjoy the chores that come with being a horse owner: putting up hay, mucking out stalls, and daily and routine care. There is no better aroma than the sweet smell of alfalfa stacked in the hay loft. Yes, I could have ridden the range, foraged for food, protected myself and my livestock, and spread the sweet words of Jesus across the plains.

So there you have it, an incredibly adventurous lady who has her heart and soul completely on God and if you haven't stopped by and visited Susan, please do at This Day! While you are there tell her Hello and join up to follow her. Encourage her with all your warm and heartfelt wishes on her comments and add a new family member to your blog. You'll be absolutely glad you did.


  1. Hi Kat,

    Happy Sunday to you!

    It's been difficult for me to read blogs much as I've been busy entertaining others that have come to England and bless us with their company.

    I'm glad I stopped by today to check out "This Day". She sounds like such neat lady. Thanks for sharing a great post about her.

    Blessings to you!

  2. Excellent interview. I'm going over to check out that blog now. Good idea Kat!

  3. I love how you interview great blog idea.

  4. KAT,

    Again, another awesome interview and blog! I love the way the Lord leads and guides you to these people who are sold out for HIM!!! I love the questions you ask!

    Have an awesome Sunday my friend....LOVE YOU

  5. Happy Sunday afternoon....

    Love the interviews and guiding me toward new blogs....

  6. Thanks for sharing another great blogger for the Lord! Her testimony shows that it's never too late to have a relationship with the Lord.

    Have a great weekend and blessings to you.

  7. Thank you for the interview and introduction - look forward to reading her blogs.


  8. What a wonderful interview! I'm heading over right now to check out Susan's blog.

    Thanks so much for telling us about her!

  9. Another great interview highlighting another great blog. Thanks for the recommendation Kat!

  10. I checked out Susan's blog and you are right on. She is sold out to God. :} Thanks for the heads up. Stay safe. Sarah

  11. Great interview Kat! I stopped by to meet Susan. She seems like a gem.


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