So glad that God has used Sundays as His day to highlight new finds within the blogging community. I came across Simply Divine Love quite some time ago and found the posts that Charlotte puts together divinely inspired. She receives insight from the Holy Spirit as to what to post each day from the Bible, devotionals and even the occasional inspirational music videos. I have found so much peace and solitude when I come by to visit Charlotte and felt lead by God to showcase her blog this week and ask her a few questions so you can all get to know her better.
1. Tell me a little bit about yourself we don't know by reading your blog.
I'm a army brat and the oldest of three with two younger brothers. For anyone who has watched "Army Wives" on Lifetime Television; that's what our life was like living on a military base. Only most military bases are located in some place that most people probably wouldn't want to visit much less live. The military has always been about rank, rules, and respect and that applies to children who grow up around this environment.
Not long after my Father retired from the military during the height of the Vietnam War; our family relocated from Maryland to Nashville so that we could be closer to my Dad's family. Which is why Tennessee will always be my home, even though my husband and I have spent the past 20 years living in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia. Some of my favorite pastimes include cooking, gardening and reading historical novels. My paternal grandmother just happens to be related to Samuel Langhorne Clemens aka Mark Twain which is probably where I get my love for blogging. But it's my maternal grandmother that loved keeping dairies. I bet if she were alive today that my Nana would be blogging.
2. Why did you begin blogging?
Well, I first started blogging on the InJESUS web site in 2004 with a blog titled "A Lament" that was inspired by the Holy Spirit and the book of Lamentations. This was not a name that I would have chosen but it was the name that the Holy Spirit wanted me to use.Then in November of '07 I decided to try blogging on Google because it allowed me much more freedom to be creative with posting graphics and music videos. The focus of my blog is centered around matters of faith and this is why I tend to shy away from talking about myself.
3. Where did you get the name for your blog?
The name for my blog first started out as "Simply Divine Christmas" focusing on the true meaning of Christmas minus all the retail hype that most folks tend to associate with Christmas. Then around the middle of January, I decided to keep this blog going but I thought that I might need a less seasonal title, so came up with "Simply Divine Love." But actually that turned out to be a mistake because someone else on the web already had a site titled "making love simply divine" and the subject much to my chagrin, was not about faith!
4. If we can to visit your state, what three things would you recommend are can't miss while we are there?
Georgia is a beautiful state visit. For example when family and friends come to visit and they never been here; we love taking them to Stone Mountain to watch their amazing weekend fireworks display in the summertime. Personally I love visiting the historic and very romantic city of Savannah for it's splendid architecture, carriage rides, wonderful restaurants and art galleries. My third choice has to be a "must see" visit to Callaway Gardens near Pine Mountain Georgia. Callaway is where my husband and I were married. It's located near Pine Mountain Georgia and it's a great escape weekend where people can play golf, tour the gardens, and visit the Butterfly Garden which is North America’s largest, glass-enclosed conservatory, home to 1,000 tropical butterflies, plants and birds.
5. What are you three favorite smells and why?
Only three? Wow, I'm big on smells from candles to bath salts to perfume. My first choice would be Lavender because this is my favorite herb to grow in my garden. My second choice has to be Lemon Verbena because it's fresh and clean smelling, especially in soap. My last choice has to be French Vanilla because it's warm, sweet and comforting anytime of the year.

So as you can see, this is a very inspired woman, lead by God to write from His heart everyday on her blog, Simply Divine Love. Please stop by and visit Charlotte today and welcome her into God's family of believers and become part of her following. Trust me, you life will be that much more meaningful for having stopped by. This is a lost jewel in the blogging community!
This was so wonderful .
Thank you for sharing this delightful as well as inspiring post.
It is amazing I have always heard about the Callaway gardens but I have never been.
My great great paternal grandmother was Elershira Valdivian Callaway and I have never been to the family gardens but have seen other photos .
I have the family cookbook and have heard lots of stories.
Thank you again for sharing this post.
Blessings of joy to you and yours.
hugs with heavenly love
Happy Trails
Thank you for sharing Simply Divine Love with us. That Garden Chapel in the Woods is beautiful.
Hi Kat,
I'm sure that your readers will agree with me that your blog "Heart 2 Heart" reminds me (and them) of a soft feather pillow that everyone just loves to cuddle up with when visiting. I always enjoy reading your posts and encouraging words of inspiration.
God has a place for each of us but sometimes we're way overdressed to come to the party and join in the fun! Thanks for the award and for dancing your way into my heart.
I hope that you have a cha-cha-cha kinda of day!
I love you and I love how you always make me feel welcome and loved when I come here. Thank you for being you!
Blessings and prayers, andrea
That garden chapel is beautiful! It looked so cool and peaceful and inviting.
Another wonderful interview Kat!
I enjoy these Sundays so much. Thanks for taking the time to introduce us to new blog friends.
Stopped by to visit Charlotte and found her page divine. Can't wait to stop in again as time permits.
The Other Kat
This is a fabulous interview. I love the responses and am looking forward to reading more of her posts. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD
Love the Blog Awards...
Thanks for the sweetest comment you left me the other day. I try to explain to my hubby that i do have another set of friends and that I can't wait to see what they are up to every day. Even if it is by computer.
Have a great Sunday!!!
Great Post Hun Hun! I love how you introduce other Blogs that aren't as popular or have just started the Blogging World!
Congratulations to Charlotte for winning the Blog Award of the Week! I just went over to check out her blog and just joined.
Not only are we learning about different places, but to know that there are so many bloggers for the Lord here is exciting. No matter where we are, we are all part of God's family.
With you doing this, more friends are introduced, more friendships created. Blessings to you sister Kat!
I look forward every week to who we get to meet! Of course this is blessed because the LORD gave you this idea and HE is leading you to who that might be :)
I am on my way right now and look forward to meeting a new friend!
Love you Kat....Have a blessed Sunday
Thanks for sharing about Simply Divine Love blog. I visited her blog place and I agree, it is such a refreshing place to visit.
I also loved the pictures that she shared together with her answers to your questions.
By the way, I agree with what Charlotte wrote in her comment. I like the way your blog is not too prim and proper... it is cozy, and you allow your readers to get to know you "up close and personal." I like being that way. I may have my beliefs and my convictions, too, but I want to be informal, personal, and transparent...
Thank you for being you!
She sounds just lovely. I'm gonna go check her out right now.
Have a Blessed evening,
Fantastic. i enjoyed reading about you. i agree. 3 for smells is hardly enough. ;)
This was a great interview. I love Ga, Stone Mountain and Savannah. I will visit her blog.
that chapel is absolutely breath taking!
Great interview Kat! I stopped by to meet Charlotte. Although I felt like I already knew her quite well from the interview. I love her blog and am looking forward to getting to know her even more. Thanks for bringing more of the body of Christ together as one.
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