Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thankful Thursday!!

Another week of blessings are here already and once more God has given me the opportunity to share them all with you. He alone makes blogging possible and taking time to reflect back on another week to find things big and small to be thankful for. If you haven't participated in a Thankful Thursday and would like to, stop by Sonya's blog, Truth 4 The Journey and read up on how to link them all together. She is an amazing woman with an inspirational blog to follow.

So without further hesitation, here are my blessings this week.

1. I am thankful for cooler temperatures this week. As of yesterday we didn't break the 100 degree mark and at night we were even able to open the windows and let the cool night air back in for a change and could turn the air off.

2. I am thankful for Steve being home. He was able to do so much for me this week, like waking up at 2:30am to drop Caitlyn, our oldest off for leadership camp for her school for 4 days, kill big, fat, green, grubs, known as horn worms off our tomato plant and we are hoping that our plant will recover and come back otherwise our summer tomato cravings are going bye bye, and for just being someone to skate with me while all the teens are zipping by us at the skate rink. Hey at least we are getting a small workout in.

3. I am thankful that Caitlyn made it to leadership camp and is seeing first hand what college like is like without all the parties. Getting up early and making it to breakfast without mom or dad waking her up. Missed it the second day. I really wanted to save her, but God gently reminded me to let her manage on her own these 4 days. Who I am to question that?

4. I am thankful that we have had the opportunity to just be together as a family for the last few months, to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries with family, and just try to reconnect after being pulled apart for so many months prior. I just hope we have lots more time til the end of the year at least.

5. I am thankful for the golden aroma of coffee in the mornings. There is just something about waking up to having that first hot cup with caramel creamer while I look over blog comments, and prepare to post my blog for the day.


  1. Nice! --- I'm thankful to be going to Sedona for the weekend to write, write, write :)
    Nice post and nice theme :)

  2. Kat,

    This is lovely.

    And yes, you should try out Carin's challenge. It has been such a blessing to me!

    the other,


  3. you know, i think you're right ... there's something real therapeutic about the aroma of coffee in the morning :)

    and i'm really glad that you didn't have to kill any horn worms :)

  4. Hi sweet sister,
    I am so glad your hubby is home, too! You have a precious family. Glad you have some cooler weather, too. My friends don't have air condition by choice--- I can't imagine! I like hot, but not that hot! Love you lots, Laurie
    Thanks for letting me know you are an email away! How did they do it in the old' days?

  5. Laurie,

    I think they just wondered on down the old road and stop by the front porch for some lemonade and apple pie to chat whilest the children ran around the yard playin'!

    Sounds like an episode of Little House on the Prarie!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. Great post!!!! God has really been blessing you:) I'm glad because you are a blessing to me (((hugs)))Sandy

  7. Hi! Family time is just so precious isn't it? I love the aroma of Coffee too!
    Collette xxx

  8. Today, I am most thankful for the vacation I am on. It is beyond anything we could comprehend or pay for on our own. I stand amazed at all GOD has blessed me with this week. Little pieces of creation laid at my feet as I walked along the beach...wild horses, deer, etc.

    Hope you are having a wonderful week. GOD BLESS, andrea

  9. Those are all great thankful things! It's cooler here too and I'm loving it!

  10. I agree with you re:smell of coffee in the morning...And to sip it while browsing the blogs...Can we start a "java club?" :)

    God bless and have a great rest of the week sister! Love and blessings to you!

  11. Rosel,

    Wouldn't that be great a Java book club? We could meet for coffee virtually and discuss books on a blog?

    Are you game?

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  12. Kat,

    I'm thankful for you and with you. You are such a blessing!


  13. The smell of fresh coffee in the morning....nothing beats it except on Mother's day when I get my first cup in bed!!
    Enjoyed your list.

  14. I am thankful for you!!!

    How blessed you are my friend! I should have added coffee to my list too :) ALWAYS thankful for my coffee!!!

    Im in in that java club ~ for sure!!

  15. Loren,

    Well WOO HOO! That makes three of us for the coffee and book club blog. Hmm, you just might see me posting something in the very, very, near future if I think we can generate enough interest.

    I mean what could be better than some great books and reading them while drinking coffee and having a discussion later!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  16. Enjoy the aroma of your morning coffee! Verry nice blog. Regards, Philip

  17. Love your list... it is great to start the day off with a thankful heart!

  18. What a beautiful way to remember our blessings! and you, like me, have so many to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing! God bless!

  19. Great List Kat,
    I am game for the coffee and the book club. Count me in! Actually between the Bible and all of my friend's blogs, I do not have much time for books. Can I just come for the coffee and listen to what you all learned in the book. I love the shortened version anyway! :)

  20. Letting go must be tough. I see strength in you. And your daughter sounds like a real keeper.

    I love roller skating too.

    And I grew up in Az. the 100 degree temps are hard.

    Love the smell of coffee in the morning.

    Thankful for your sweet voice on my blog. Thank you for stopping in so often lately with your love and hugs.

    Back at you, Kat!


  21. Beautiful thank you's!!

    Said a prayer for Caitlyn...

    And put the coffee on I'm on my way over. We can read the Word together over a good hot cup!

    Love you dear sister.


My thoughts for the day are