Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Prayer Request Needed

I am sending this out on my blog today to request your prayers for my youngest daughter Kailee. She came home from Vacation Bible School on Friday, not feeling too well. She didn't want anything to eat and seemed out of sorts for her normal overly active 10 year old self.

She laid on the couch for the day watching cartoons telling her friends that stopped by she wasn't feeling well that day and would talk to them in the morning. Well she went to bed at 8pm that night on her own and we knew something was up. This is the child we have to beg to go to bed before 11pm now that it is summer.

Over the weekend it escalated to high fever, and cough and by the time Monday rolled around with what sounded like a seal in her chest, I knew it was something more than a cough or cold. I'm not taking chances now with so many coming down with the avian flu or swine flu lately.

Doctor's test reveal the beginning stages of strep and put her on antibiotics immediately. I wish it were that simple. Last night she woke up screaming she couldn't breathe. It was merely all her coughing had put her in such a spasm it was hard for her to stop. I took her into the bathroom and steamed up the shower really good. I held her and waited for the steam to moisten her chest and throat, and within minutes she was ready to go back to bed.

When she gets a cough this bad, I forget that I need to put a humidifier in her room since with our air conditioning running with our high temps it drys things out for her. She is much better this morning as most mornings are, but I ask for your prayers to help her get better sooner. She has lost her voice completely which breaks your heart when she cries that it won't come back. I assure her it will in time, but still it hurts when you can't make it all go away.

I thank you in advance for any prayers you send her way! Love and Hugs ~ Kat


  1. Bless her heart. She is in my prayers.

  2. Feel better Kailee in Jesus name!

  3. My heart feels for you as my son had gone so many episodes [though not of strep] but from his allergies, when he had "croup" kind of coughs and it was scary when he seemed to not be able to get some air with having laryngitis. Tell your daughter it would be okay, just need to wait out. But easier said than done. Just lots of fluids and extra rest will help.
    My son and I's fav verse when sick is Psalm 103:3 -"He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases."
    Will keep your precious daughter in my prayer and may the Lord comfort her and you, too. It's hard to be a mom. We always wish we can just take any ailments from our children. God bless sister Kat. Jesus is in the midst of our prayers!

  4. Aw, I will definitely keep your precious daughter in my prayers. She is just too cute and I pray for a speedy recovery!

  5. Dear Kat..I am praying for precious Kailee right now...for healing, restoration, comfort,and divine intervention from the GREAT PHYSICIAN.

  6. Praying for your dear daughter right now, and I will continue to do so throughout the day.

    May God's hand of healing completely restore her to good health

  7. Aww, sweetie I'm so sorry your precious daughter is not feeling good. May the LORD's Hand touch and heal your precious Kailee in Jesus Name!

    I couldn't wait to get over here to see you as I've been on blog break and then vac as you know. I missed you.

    Love ya.

  8. Oh Kailee, feel better! I'm sending up prayers for you! Being sick during the summer stinks!

  9. Hey Kat, I tagged you! Please come over to my place and see what you are supposed to do next.

  10. I sure hope your daughter is feeling better this morning.

  11. Keeping you and your family in our prayers. We lit a candle at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher thanks to God bless.


My thoughts for the day are