Sunday, July 26, 2009

Blog of the Week! ~ The Magoo's News

On Sundays each week, I am going to highlight a new blog I have happened to come across in my travels of blog hopping and share it with all of you! I was originally going to do it on Monday's since that is usually the busiest of blog traffic days but since this is God's idea, I only thought I would do this today and continue to glorify HIM in posting it.

The reason I feel God wants to do this is to unite His family of believers that are blogging and to encourage and motivate them to continue on. I guess the internet could be used for so many things but I do see God's hand in so many posts I have come across and continue to follow. You just never know who is going to stop by on any given day and the post you write that day could be the one that changes someone's life in a very positive way and brings them to God! So without further hesitation, I want you to meet Loren at The Magoo's News.

I found Loren's beautiful blog, through one of those blog hopping days where you click on blogging titles that sound amazing and after reading about Loren's father, Doug and his battle with cancer, and the love this woman has for her two families, her married one at home and her parents, I thought she would be the perfect start to this idea. Here are some of the questions I posed to Loren and she was simply wonderful enough to post them here.

First let's hear from Loren before we begin:

First, I just want to thank you for choosing my blog, it is such an honor and I am humbled! The Lord is amazing how He works things together for HIS good and this is yet another example of HIS love and sovereignty. How HE cares for us even in something like a blog! You Kat, are such a cherished friend and your title heart2heart describes you perfectly! I felt your heart connected to mine from the very first comment and the Lord shines in all you do and say so Thank you again! Now, to your questions.

1. Something about myself that you might not know ?

I went to school to be an accountant. Sooo NOT my personality :) ended up doing hair, but my favorite job is being a MOM. I have 3 kids, my oldest is married and as of this past Dec. I am a grandma.
I have been married 19 yrs to my best friend and the man the Lord made JUST for me. We found the Lord after we had been married 2 yrs. and HE has changed our lives, our future and the future of our children, grandchildren and all generations thereafter, Praise HIM!

2. Why did I begin blogging?

I have to laugh at this question, somehow I knew this would be asked. Honestly, I had a friend who was a blogger and I loved it. I read it and thought, hmmm, I would like to learn how to do that. Then, I thought it would be a good way to share things with my family and just as so many things in my life the Lord has showed me, that we plan our course but the Lord orders our steps. Prov. 16:9. I never dreamed blogging would become such a gift!

3. Where did I get the name for my blog?

Well that was easy. Since this was originally going to be for my family and about my children.......We are the Magoos. I asked my daughter Jenna what I should name my blog and she said ....The Magoos News. That was it....PERFECT :)

4. What is my favorite part about blogging?

Oh my, this could be a long answer! I love soo much. Seeing Gods hand at work every day in my blog and others too. Meeting new people and learning from them. I have met some of the kindest people! Bloggers are amazing ......they are prayer warriors, encouragers, teachers, some make you laugh, some will make you cry but they are faithful and loving friends. Your lives become entwined daily, and for me, I have found that we all share each others burdens and joys. The Lord definitely directs you to the people He wants you connected with. I love seeing how He brings people you don't even know and they will give you a scripture meant for that very day or circumstance, or an encouraging word and even a "Prayer button." This happened for me from a new friend named Edie. She made a button for my Dad who has recently been diagnosed with Lung Cancer. It has been amazing to see all the wonderful things the Lord can do in and through His people.

5. If I could have one super power, what would it be and why?

Goodness....I guess it would be flying. Because I could spend my time here in Florida with my dad and then also fly home to be with my husband and kids and sweet grandaughter & my mom all in one day.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Loren! We will all continue to pray for you and your wonderful family. If you haven't stopped by Loren's site, The Magoo's News, please do and follow her in her journey with God. Leave her an encouraging word, a thought or a prayer and keep this beautiful soul in your prayers.


  1. Sounds like a great blog, thank you for the link, I'll have to go check it out later :)

    Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday.


  2. Kat,

    This is a good idea. I may have to steal that one from well as Christina's idea of highlighting her international followers.

    I popped over from Nika's blog. But I have seen you on Christina's and I think Christy Rose's. someone else's anyway. I just had to stop by and see who you are because I am Kat too. Have been my whole life...Even though my given name is Kathleen and when speaking person to person most call me Kathleen, when writing or in the presence of my dearest friends and family, I am just Kat.

  3. Oh Kat! :)

    Thankyou Lord and thankyou for this!
    God is sooo good and He has used you in this exact way in my encourage and you have had such a positive impact on my life so seeing that He gave you this idea does not surprise me at all :)

    I look forward to meeting all those that the Lord directs you to in the days and weeks to come!!! I am honored to be your first, and know that the Lord will bless you as you continue to obey the call He has given you!! You are such a treasure Kat!

    Love you

  4. Kat,
    What an amazing idea. I love Loren! She found me one day not too long ago and I have not missed one of her posts since. She is one of my favorite blogging friends along with you of course. :) I hope she meets many new friends from your graciousness. Uniting the body of Christ! Amen!
    Great Job!
    I loved learning some more about you today Loren!


  5. Kat,

    The best compliment one can ever hope to get is taking an idea that someone else came up with and run with it. Since it was from God I don't think He would mind!

    Loren: You are so more than welcome and I am about to cry thanks to all your wonderful words!

    Sandra: It's a bit hot for a wonderful Sunday but I will find the good in it somewhere. Thanks for checking out Loren's link.

    Christy: Not quite sure how I happened upon Loren's blog but I can tell you that I am so blessed to have met her and everyone so far in the blogging community. It brings me so much joy just to read everyone's post everyday.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. I'll be visiting this blog, and thanks for sharing.

  7. Kat:
    What a beautiful idea GOD has given you. Loren is a sweetheart and I, too enjoy her blog. I hope many others will travel her way and certainly join the team of prayer warriors storming the heavens on behalf of her Dad.
    If I haven't told you lately. Thanks for being my bloggy friend.
    Blessings and prayers,

    PS: I am loving Mozilla Firefox as a browser. No more problems getting into your blog or others.

  8. I love sister Loren! When she first visited me, and visited her back, that's all it took, and I'm hooked to her sweet words and honest posts about her trials, at the same time, overcoming them because of her strong faith and love for the Lord.

    That's an awesome idea that you did something like this...out of love...That's why I know, it is from "Him"...

    God surely uses the internet, too and what a blessing to meet wonderful brothers and sisters to be encouraged, pray together, share laughter and tears...and feel that special bond that comes from Him. God bless you sister Kat and may the Lord continue to guide you and inspire you with so many more great ideas! Love and blessings to you!

  9. Lidj: I am so glad that you will hop on over to Loren's site and see just amazing of a woman of God she truly is.

    Andrea: I too am eternally grateful for the opportunity to "meet" you in our blogging community! I have downloaded Firefox and no more issues. I was scared at first because all my followers disappeared but I had hubby try it on his computer and all his followers vanished too!

    Lucky for us it just turned out to be a Blogger issue with the site not anything we downloaded! Whew!

    Rosel: Isn't it amazing how God can direct us to do something amazing? I was searching for things to do and was doing blog hopping on the weekend to locate new members of our family, God's family that is, and He inspired me to share what I found with everyone else.

    I truly thank HIM for everything that is accomplished here!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  10. Wow, what a neat blog post idea. I love it that you feel led to feature blogs. What an encourager you are, Kat.

    I'll have to pop by and meet your new friend. I'm still trying to visit the bloggy friends I already care about and can never get around to everyone. What a gift we have in one another. To carry our burdens, to laugh with.

    Enjoyed this post and always appreciate your sweet words on my blog. You're HIS special girl.



  11. What a great idea. I am going to hop over and check out Magoo News

  12. I just love that you are being God's vessel when you are sharing other Believer's blogs. I can't wait to pop over to Loren's world and soak in more of what God has for everyone.


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