Saturday, June 13, 2009

Love Ya Award

I was super surprised last night to find just before I went to bed, that I had received a beautiful "Love Ya" award courtesy of Andrea at Arise 2 Write. Andrea and I have been fellow bloggers/followers since I began my journey, so it was such an honor to have her nominate me. If you haven't stop by Andrea's site, please take the time to do so. She is so amazing because she always stays in touch and never forgets to leave you a little bit of inspiration when she stops by your site.

So here's what you must do upon accepting this award is to post the following about the award:

These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

So here are my award winners:

1. Gotta Have Faith since it's my hubbies first attempt at blogging, I wanted to pass along the feeling of achievement and recognition. I love him daily and hope you will find my love and happiness by visiting his site.

2. Stop by and visit Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today. Once you're there, you may as well follow, because you will fall in love with what this man writes from his heart everyday. He is my writing mentor. If I can become half as great as he is, I would be more than happy.

3. Ms. Charlene at Bring On The Rain. This is one of my newest stopping by blogs and I love what she has to write. You will be inspired each day you read her blog! God has laid a mighty hand on her heart.

4. Raye Ann at Heart of the Home. Another fairly new person I have been following of lately and found so much warmth and love here, that she truly is deserving of this award.

5. Martha at Fly Away Birdie! Her sense of humor keeps me on my toes and keeps me coming back for more. Hope you enjoy following her as much as I do.

6. Dawn at Dawn's Country Cottage. I love following along with Dawns daily adventures of watching her kids grow and having her grandson come by for visits. It's truly amazing. Thanks for sharing Dawn.

7. Lisa Shaw at Sharing Life with Lisa. This woman truly is the Proverbs 31 woman! If you ever want to feel the power of God working in someone's life, it blasts forth from her site! She is so blessed by the power of God.

8. Christy at The Secret Life of a American Wife and Mom. Christy is right up there with Andrea. We join the same blogs and comment each others posts as often as we can. She is such a bright life in my life. Thanks for always being there!

There are so many others that are deserving of this award as well so if you want snatch it and go, spread the love around and make someone's day by sharing it with them and passing along a little note of thanks. You'll be glad you did!


  1. Congrats!

    It's true that you well deserve this Friendship Award.

    blessings my friend,


  2. aww, thank you for thinking of me for this award! ((big hug)) and my sister (FlyAwayBirdie) is definitely funny :)

  3. Thank you so much for thinking of me. This is such a nice award to get.

    You definitely deserve this award.

    Have a Blessed evening,

  4. Congratulations sister Kat! and to those you shared it with for I know they truly deserve this blessing, too. Glory to God!

    Thanks for your friendship. Love and blessings.

  5. You deserve this award. Thank you for being a faithful friend!
    Much love, blessings, hugs, and prayers, andrea

  6. Aw, thank you. I am truly honoured to receive this lovely award! I shall sip on my coffee and think of you as I jot down words that may not necessarily make sense to most of my readers o_O LOL

    You're a sweetie!

  7. Kat,
    I just got home from a long an wonderful weekend to read the comments on my blog and start to catch up on reading my friends blogs and you have surprised me so sweetly. Thank you so much! I will love passing this award along!
    Thanks again,

  8. I must agree, there are many fabulous blogs and hearts for Christ. I am so thankful for the many that I've come across and the friends I have made by doing so.


  9. Kat,

    You are a very special woman and a dear sister in Christ. Thank you for sharing this "Love Ya Award" and I share it right back with you as you hav an incredible heart of love.

    Love you.

  10. Kat,

    Thank you so much for all the wonderful and beautiful words this past week. Especially thank you for the prayers. Some days were harder than others.

    If anyone deserves this award it is you.

    I love the award. Thanks bunches. I am having some technical problems on my site right now. When I get them straiten out I will come pick up my award.

    Thanks again
    Love Ya and Blessings
    Raye Ann


My thoughts for the day are