It's Monday! How does that statement make you feel. Rolling back over in bed and pulling the covers over you head, trying to shut out the day and wish the weekend were back again?
For most of us, poor Monday has taken the heat of the worst day of the week. Where did the honor come from? I believe that it came the day the 5 day work week was invented and for the majority of us, it begins each and every Monday, unless, there is a holiday! Then we hate Tuesday!
Don't you just feel bad for poor old Monday. It's suppose to signify a bright new beginning. A start to another week, especially if last week was really bad. We get a whole new opportunity to begin again and perhaps make things better. This is the reason for me loving Mondays.
Today is the day of possibilities that anything great can happen. We need to keep our joy and happiness through the day, despite what day it is. Today is the day for change.
Last week, Rosel from Off the Beaten Trek was generous enough to share the honor of bestowing an award to me called Queen of All Things. I am once again humbled and honored to accept this award. Rosel's blog is so amazing because I am fascinated by people who deal with life's worst people and have an opportunity to pray for them and help restore hope in humanity once again. Please take time to encourage her in her daily dealings with people in the correctional facility, and keep her in your prayers daily, to protect her and cover her with God's anointing as she comes into contact with these individuals. She is so amazing.
I began my blog at the beginning of the year with a goal to encourage people who are downhearted, depressed, lonely or just in need of something missing in their life. I got such pleasure from it at every job I have ever held, that I believed it was God's calling in my life to become an encourager!
It can come in all kinds of ways! I sometimes will post funny stories about whatever is going on in my life, share personal moments of tradegy and triumph, because I believe people need to see Christians as we are. Real, down to earth people who still have more than their fare share of problems in life. We just have the wonderful knowledge of knowing we will be experiencing eternity in heaven once our time here is done. So all the glory of what comes from these blog postings, belongs solely to God.
The rule of the award is to:
- List 7 things that make you "awe-summm" and then, pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love.
-Make sure to tag the recipients and let them know they have won!
- Link back to the "Queen" that tagged you.
The Seven Things that Make Me Awe-Summm are:
1. My everlasting and faithful faith in God our Father. Without Him, I am nothing and would have nothing. God is so amazing because no matter how dark, bleak or depressing things get, He is always there and will never leave us! His is the Best Economic Stimulus Package there will ever be! AMEN!!
2. My amazing husband. He works so hard, to provide for our family so we can make it financially in this tough economy. This means he is out of our home for 90% of the time. It's like being married but to a ghost you can talk to. We know, that it is only temporary so we pray and hang on the best we can everyday. We know God has everything in His control and it's merely just waiting on Him for now is all we can do.
3. My kids. They are what gives me the incentive to keep on going each and every day. They show me the things in life, I am too busy to see everyday. They restore my faith in the next generation as well. They are my gifts from God.
4. My ability to never give up and accept a challenge. I have been told so many times in life, I would never amount to much. Funny how that one little statement changes your life in so many ways. I take it personally! I take it as a challenge to prove them wrong. If I still fail in my attempts, I least I tried and learned something in the process instead of accepting what people say as the truth.
5 and 6 . Organizing and Neat Freak. My family would call me borderline compulsive on these but I like knowing where things are. Don't our family members always come to us with the question, "Mom, do you know where ________ is?" or "Honey, I need help finding______" Fill in the blanks with whatever you deem appropriate. I like having a home for everything. It's funny too because whenever I go looking for something, it's never there.
When it comes to being a neat freak, what can I say, my dad was ex military and loved it when things were clean. It stuck and I can honestly say, I am relaxed and happy when it's all clean and smelling amazing. My family could care a less.
7. Quiet time. When I can find it, I love doing nothing but listening to the sounds of the earth. From the winds whistling in the pines to the birds stopping by for breakfast, I love the sounds God made. My favorite, pouring rain!!! Gotta love the smell after it rains, God just gave this entire planet a bath! Nothing smells quite the same.
Now it's time to pass this blog along. SO here goes,
1. Michelle at Scribbit. If you haven't visited her site, please make it a favorite. I love reading her blog every day to see just what life in Alaska is like today. You'll never be disappointed.
2. Prairie Girl at Under a Prairie Sky. The title of her blog is what drew me in and when I read what she shared, she made me a follower. Check out her blog.
3. Yolanda at Higher Grounds. She is so blessed by God. I loved the titled of her blog as well since I am a caffeine addict and have to have my morning cup of coffee. Once you stop by and see how God will bless you through her blog, you're life will never be the same.
4. Cynthia at Girl in a Glass House. Her blog is just like you would think based on her title. She believes in transparency in her life and in sharing her testimony with anyone who stops by. I love just being there everyday!
5.Dawn at Dawn's Country Cottage. I love being here with her because I can relate to everything she is going through, she is that down to earth. Looking forward to the day when I can finally meet her.
6. Carol in Joy In the Journey. My newest blogging buddy from the UK. She is a fellow stay at home, homeschooling mom, so we will be sharing lots of information on how to keep sane in the process. Check her out and stay for a visit.
7. God's Girl at Contentment Corner. This lady is so beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside as well. God has seriously blessed her and her family in amazing ways. Please stop by and say Hi!
WHEW!!! That was a super long blog. Thanks so much for all of you that commented and began following on my blog from yesterdays' post. It was so nice to read all your comments and see the blessings you bring by coming by each day. Hope you will stop by and wish all the winners and huge congratulations today at their sites!
Kat! Thank you so much for the award!! My first.
You have put a little marvelous into my Monday :)
Kat, Thank you so much for this award ~~ but really you are the awesumme one!!!
You've put a spring in my step and I was having such a Monday =)
Have a Blessed day,
This is my first time to visit, having just hopped over from Yolanda's. I like discovering blogs that are so full of faith and encouragement.
I also love Mondays! In fact I love every day of the week! His mercies are new every morning, His compassion never fails!
Will surely be back to visit.
Congradulations everyone!! and GOD BLESS!! andrea
Thank you so much for the blog award. You are a huge encourager and I appreciate you for that. Your faith in Christ spills over and touches each one of us.
Praise be to God.
Blessings to you!
Congratulations to you and the blogs you mentioned. It's great that there are so many bloggers for the Lord and that makes you all "awe-summm!"
You constantly amaze me Sweetheart! How much you enrich peoples lives by letting them know how much they mean to you! I love you and keep on Blogging! I can see how much you love and enjoy it!
Your Hubby
Hi Kat,
For some reason, I've had the worst time trying to get on your blog and read your posts. I don't know why I get kicked out!
I must say that this Monday (today) has been a favorite Monday of mine... because it is my official first day of summer break! I'm off work until August 31st!
Congrats on the award and I love your list. Will you come clean and organize my home? That's on my agenda between now and when my boys begin their summer break in 2 weeks!
Blessings and hugs!
You are an incredible blessing to ALL OF US!
Love ya!
Kat...thank you for the award...though I am overwhelmed with life here in Nova Scotia at the moment and can't qite get my head around the 7 things and 7 bl;ogs...but I will!
Thank you so very much, I have God-skin from the words you spoke of the blog and they are such an encouragement to me. May OUR God get all the glory and honor.
Love ya and I share a similiar with you as others in my past have said I would be nothing.....
Need to reflect and then I'll answer....
Just got your comment on arise 2 write...isnt it awesome how GOD gives us just what we need...just when we need it. I wasnt even planning on posting, but GOD put that on my mind last night..I began typing and you have it. I am awed continually how HE speaks to us and through us.
I have linked Caits blog to both of mine, too. She is such a strong young lady for her age...you my friend are an awesome MOM..I can tell through her writing.
By the way...thanks for being my friend....
Blessings, love, and prayers, andrea
What a great award and you gave it back to such deserving blogs!
I love your #1. It's all about Him isn't it? Without Him we are nothing.
Love your blog.
Congrats on the award. I think you are awe-summ too! I will go check out some of the other blogs you think are awe-summ too.
Congratulations, Kat. You certainly deserve your award! I'm blessed every time I visit here.
Am reflecting and finally answering....here:
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