Oh what a week this has been!
Do you ever have a funny feeling that you are under attack from the enemy not just from the front but from every conceivable angle imaginable?
This has physically worn me out and it's funny because shortly after my latest post, literally in my life, all hell seemed to have broken out.
It seems when you follow what God asks you to do, the enemy pays you back on all ends.
I have been arguing with my hubby cause lately the job has taken a priority over family and we have taken a beating from everyone in our life so even though he has been out of town, the phone calls with him have been on the slim side. He hasn't really thought about calling us to check in, work hours drag on endlessly so it takes up all his mental time.
My kids just finished with school thankfully, but since there isn't anything to do or anyone to play with just yet, they are constantly all over me to find them something to do.
My physical health has been tested over the last two days with no sleep and lots of physical pain that Mom, hasn't felt like herself lately.
So you can see where my mind has been. I wish I could say it's been out to lunch but that would be so nice. It's more like it's been reduced to meaningless sludge and left to rot.
I am trying to wake up today and get myself back on track and at least get the engine facing in the right direction.
I woke up to find so many positive and supportive comments regarding my decision to post about my abortion. I was expecting to see some horrible comments but instead, I got the confirmation from God through all of you, that I did the right thing.
We may never know the reason behind why we are asked to do certain things from God, but I did it without thinking and without questioning it. I feel better for doing it. I don't feel like the enemy can use that one anymore as a reason to be ashamed about my past, cause I have published it for all the world to see. Can't use that one again on me.
Then Heather from *Beautiful Self* offered me a wonderful way to make me feel whole again. She awarded me the "Beautiful Self award", pictured above.
It changed my day instantly like God had personally tapped her on the shoulder and told her to send this my way, because I needed a pick me up. If you haven't read her blog or followed her, I honestly believe you should. It's like a surprise grab bag from God because you will never know what you'll get.
Sometimes she shares personal stories that are ones anyone can relate to, videos or music that has touched her in some way or even blogging about someone else. She is amazing and her blog is used by God in a very specific way. Please check her out, become a follower and best of all, comment her posts and let her know just what they meant to you. It's something that really means a lot.
I wanted to pass this along to some many others that I believe are also beautiful on the outside but especially on the inside.
1. dear craisin - is my daughter Caitlyn's blog. She is trying her hand at writing and would love to be encouraged and motivated by all the love and support you have all shown me. Written from the heart of a teenager whose goal it is to make the world a more beautiful place from her simply being here. Please stop by her blog and follow it.
2. Andrea at Arise to Write. She was one of the very first to begin to follow my blog and continues to inspire me by her own blog but by the comments she leaves on mine as well. She has a beautiful soul that challenges us to reach out and be better people to the hurting world around us. Stop by and become a follower today.
3. Lisa Shaw at Marriage Flavor deserves this award because of the beautiful things she write about to help so many of us hurting in our marriages today. She gives words from God's own sweet lips to help and pray for people in believing and non-believing marriages. I believe God is using her to battle for the marriages all over the world who find this shining light in a dark world.
4. Laurie at Supernatural Living - deserves this because she has also been a follower and fellow encourager in my deepest and darkest hours of blogging. She is so beautiful because she shares how to help the new blogger with things like linking your name and blog within your post so that posting recommendations makes things easy to people to find you and follow you. Thank you Laurie for emailing me personally to set that up!
5. Jennifer at Through the Storms of Life - for sharing her beautiful and personal journey of how she became a believer. Too often I feel people look at Christians and think we don't make mistakes once we are saved, or we have never walked in their shoes before, but we have. Thanks Jennifer for sharing how God has made your life a better one simply by knowing Him. Thanks also for the bedroom tips make over, not done with it yet, but changed the bedding last weekend and we love it already.
There are so many others that I follow but I am super confident thanks to Heather sharing this beautiful award to some many it will find it's way to other blogs we all have common ground with. Please don't let this sit but pass it along. You just never know how it will brighten someones day or even weekend for them.
Like you, I have been feeling out of sorts this week, so I need to go back and look at your last post.
ReplyDeleteYes, Satan not only wants to rain (or reign) in our life, but he wants to pour in our life. (Which makes us feel poorly.)
He loves to attack Christians. I teach at a Christian preschool, and our entire staff has felt attacked this school year. There have been health issues, family deaths, my miscarriage, divorce, financial problems...you name it and our staff has been attacked with it.
Keep praying and stay in the Word. Let Satan know that he may knock you down for a while, but he'll never knock you out!
Blessings and prayers to you!
My sweet friend, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this award.
ReplyDeleteI, too have endured a tough week. I have been ill...still battling.
Please do NOT ever allow satan to still your joy again. You are an amazing woman with many phenominal gifts. Do not ever forget it!!
Much love, prayers, and hugs, andrea
WOW! first I'm coming back tomorrow morning when I can sit and read your last post without rushing sweetie. I'm heading out with hubby for dinner but I wanted to tell you that I love you and I was in tears reading this because YOU SO HOUSE THE BEAUTY OF OUR LORD and I'm honored to know you and to call you my sister in Christ.
ReplyDeleteI have not read your post yet on the abortion but as one who has been there I stand with you and am proud of you for speaking out. I'm sure GOD WILL USE IT FOR HIS GLORY AND TO HELP SOMEONE ELSE.
I'll be back in the morning with my coffee to visit and thank you for including me in your precious list. Love ya.
I'm glad that sister Heather's surprise gave you the lift that you needed [everything happens in His perfect time as we know it]. Congratulations sister Kat!
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming by and I appreciate your prayer. I keep everyone in my prayers as well. When I answered your comment in my site, we all need to be prayerful for each other because we're all doing an important ministry for the Lord by blogging. I know that when you opened up about your past, the enemies will try to stop that, because you chose to follow the Lord's leading and His calling for you to write about it and encourage others.
Lord, I lift up sister Kat and her family. Protect her as she starts to minister for those You will put in her path who will be encouraged by her and not only about making the right decisions regarding not having abortions but much more when they can see Your love and grace through her writing. Lord, cover us all with Your Holy blood and surround us with Your angels. Thank You Lord that even through this, we can come to Your throne of grace. Thank You for the friendships You have bestowed us. We love You Lord. In Jesus' Name.
Good morning precious -- told you I'd be back today with coffee in hand to read your messages.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely visit your daugher's blog and the other sweet ladies that I don't know. I know Andrea and Jennifer and they are beautiful women indeed!
I just prayed for you and your husband and what you shared. God hears and sees. He cares about your family and as I read your words and heard your heart what dropped into my spirit is NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER!
Whenever we STEP OUT in the LORD attacks will come -- BET ON IT! However our stepping out is not in and of our own selves (our own flesh) it's in the LORD and therefore He is ordering our steps and what I know about our GOD is that He is our "rear guard"! He is our "refuge and our strength" and "ever present help in times of trouble".
So I want to encourage you to hold on to the "promises of the One who is faithful". Hallelujah!
Keep doing what He tells you to do. Continue to grow in the precious roles He has graced your life with and remember that Christianity is NEVER about perfection but rather about SURRENDER. Aww isn't that refreshing.
I love you.
I just started reading your blog. I found it off someone eles and cant remember who now.Thank you for sharing your story with us. That feeling of attack your not alone in that. I have felt that way the last month or so. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Kat...you are so deserving of this award. I love your blog, your transparency and your beautiful heart!
ReplyDeleteI have always been told that you know that you are serving the Lord fully when Satan's on the attack against you. He will do whatever he can to stop you, discourage you or cause you to turn your back on God.
I love how you continually show us how you stand strong in the fight. This is extremely encouraging to anyone who is in the battle themselves.
Thank you for much for the award...I am so honored.
Love you!
Hi Kat,
ReplyDeleteI've had that feeling and been attacked many, many times. When we do something for His glory, the enemy will try to attack in any way, shape or form that it can.
I applaud you for coming out in obedience to Him with your post on your abortion. Praise the Lord and we all stomp together with you on that nasty, nasty evil one's head and crush it back down into the pits of hell in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We all stand in unison in doing so.
You are truly a blessing to everyone who comes here. You are an encourager, uplifter and inspiration and your love for the Lord is beautiful.
My prayers are being said for you and I will definitely check out your daughter's site.
Congratulations on the award. You are Beautiful inside and out!
Thank you dear sister for the award and your kind words. I really do appreciate you and your blog. I am sorry that you have been battling, but I agree that the enemy comes into attack when we are moving forward for Christ! I will pray for you sister and as always, I appreciate your honesty and your will to push through towards God. You are a light and a blessing.
ReplyDeleteLove you much, Laurie
Congratulations on the award! I think you deserved it, and I'm glad it was uplifting. Your message encouraged a lot of other people ... and will continue to as other people find your post and read it. I believe as many as 2 or 3 times more people who leave a comment actually read what is written.
ReplyDeleteThank you also for your nice comments yesterday on Family Fountain. WB
Me again:) I hope you don't mind if I do not pass this one on. I also hope you know how grateful I am for the award and for you. My husband starts a 3 week set of summer school classes this week, so I will have the kids morning until bed probably every day for several weeks. I will probably just do two regular posts a week, Lord willing. Again, I really do appreciate the award and you are beautiful sister- inside and out! Love to you and blessings, Laurie
ReplyDeleteHi sister Kat! How are you? Just want to let you know I'm keeping you in prayers. God bless.
ReplyDeleteMe again and again:)
ReplyDeleteHow are you? I have put a contract on my home,so I won't be in touch as much over the next month, but want you to know you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and blessings, Laurie
Even in the midst of yoru blah time you managed to put in humor ...about your mind you said:
ReplyDelete"I wish I could say it's been out to lunch but that would be so nice"
I'm glad another blogger followed her heart and lifted your spirits.
Hey Lady -- you're on my heart. I came over to see you. Love you.