Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's Official, We Have a Junior!

Before you start to congratulate me on our recent addition, we didn't just have a baby! My baby booming days are O-V-E-R! Not that I mind kids, it's just now that mine are at the point of becoming somewhat self sufficient, like making their own breakfast, even though it isn't what mom would consider breakfast, like microwave hot dogs because they just taste great in the morning!

What I am talking about is my sophomore daughter has graduated officially today to a Junior! I even teased her that the word "Junior" should be at the end of her last name. She didn't find it as funny as I did.

Do kids ever?

We got all her grades in, turned in all her books, science fair projects, Geometry Projects, Spanish papers, and anything else that doesn't belong to her and handed it all over to the school.

What do we get in return, besides security and peace of mind that we don't have to locate a missing text book before the end of year?

Final Grades!

Yup, she mastered her second year of high school with straight A's.

Hey her standard, not ours. We are super excited she maintains it, but the effort she puts into it all year for her is apparently worth all the long nights, and study hours to get great test grades.

What excited her the most was the new title!

No more Sophomore! I mean I hated that title for a ten grader. Sop More? Sof More?

Nah, now it's Junior. Said with an air of distinction. Like a royal title that rolls off your tongue like honey!

Oh and the added bonus that she is now officially on her summer hiatus! NO more school.

No more grades.

No more tests!

No more studying!

Time to hang out with friends all summer long and make new memories!

Time to forget her school romance that didn't end well.

Her ex by the way, still can't believe she hasn't locked herself in her room, binging on chocolate, crying her eyes out and watching every romantic chick flick ever invented!

Um, not if mom and all her friends network can help it. Nope! Time to get out, and stay busy.

For now, we celebrate.

We celebrate the whole aspect of the possibilities of what a new year can bring, new friends, new activities, courses, college schedules and of course, the possibility of a new love!

For now, we relish the moment of the word, Junior!


  1. My son Dak will be a Junior as of next Friday. Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up?!!

    She is adorable....yay for celebrating....now it's time to enjoy your summer with your Junior!!

    Have a Blessed evening,

  2. Kat I loved the photo and congratulations to your precious daughter. Mine is almost done with her sophmore year and then she's officially a JUNIOR too. She's loving that!

    I pray your daughter has a great summer. Shame on the ex! His loss!!

    Enjoy your summer dear friend with your family.

  3. Congratulations! Time to celebrate! And that's a great pic. Glad to know she's doing well...She's blessed to have a great mom and friends who are there to support her. It makes a big difference...thanks be to God!

  4. Congratulations! It is amazing what our children can do when they do their best in school and other areas of life.

    Tyler is the same way...he is a straight A student and he pushes himself...not us. He has always been this way and we are so proud of him. He has taken a full load of AP classes as a freshman and aced them all. We are graduating to Sophmore this year. We have to go until next Wednesday and then he is exempted from all test and will be finished with 9th grade forever. **sigh**

    We have so much to be thankful for and every right to be so proud of our children.

    Congratulations again!!!


My thoughts for the day are