I just wanted to keep things light this week, with gravity and all keeping so many of us believers down and with much weight around our necks.
So I am going to leave this post on the short and sweet side with something a bit funny that showed up in my email this morning. May all of you have God's blessings rain down on you today and everyday!
Little John the Baptist
Matt. 18:4-5
"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And who ever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. "
Johnny's Mother looked out the window and noticed Him "playing church" with their cat.
He had the cat sitting quietly and he was preaching to it.
She smiled and went about her work.
A while later she heard loud meowing and hissing, and ran back to the open window to see Johnny baptizing the cat in a tub of water.
She called out, "Johnny, stop that! The cat is afraid of water!"
Johnny looked up at her and said, "He should have thought about that before he joined my church."
Have a wonderful weekend!
Too cute. You are correct. We all need a little brightness amidst the load of burdens most of us carry.
Thanks for continuing to stop by my blog and bless me with uplifting comments.
May I read it later? Because I just want to share this award with you so c'mon over when you get a chance :)
Now that's one I can use! Maybe this Sunday!
just what I needed. Hilarious!
Hey Sweetie - I tried leaving a message earlier and was bumped out again. So came on back before settling in for the night to say I LOVE YOU. Talk soon.
Delighted to meet you! just found your site through the award that you won. Blessed to be here and splash around in God's goodness. I just love your profile picture, we sign in our home too. I'll be back.
Hugs from this missionary mommy,
Sarah Dawn
Ok this was so funny! There are lots of thins people might want to think about before they join the church. Nothing to think about before you accept Jesus though. It is all good!! :)
That's funny! All that splashin' from that poor cat! Thanks for the laugh. Have a blessed weekend sister Kat!
This is exactly what I needed to start my day. Thanks for blessing me, Kat!
I hope you have a very delightful weekend!
Oh, not a happy kitty! You should have seen us trying to clip the nails of one of our classroom guinea pigs today (and we're located in a church!). It took one teacher to hold her, one to do the clipping and another teacher to distract her with a carrot. You should have heard the little squeals!
I sometimes can't read your posts right away because I get booted out. I usually have to wait a few hours after you've posted before I can read it. I don't know why.
Have a beautiful weekend!
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