Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

Today's post was a wonderful surprise from Sharlyn at Dancing on Rainbows. If you haven't had a chance to visit her blog yet, please do! It's wonderful, motivational and inspirational as well! When you visit, tell her that Kat sent you! Have a most wonderful Wednesday!

  • Here are the instructions for 8 Things:

    Mention the person that tagged you
    Complete the list of 8 things
    Tag some wonderful bloggy friends
    Go tell them you tagged them

    8 Things I Look Forward To:

    • My daughter graduating in May
    • Vacation sometime very soon, hopefully in the deep, dark forest somewhere
    • Summer vacation
    • Nights and days off with my hubby
    • My daughter joining ASB and planning her future prom.
    • Beach days relaxing and reading lots of books
    • Day when all the bills are paid
    • Heaven

    8 Things I Did Yesterday
  • Had lunch with both my daughters, Girls Day!!
    • Gave my oldest daughter her birthday present!
    • Got my hubby some new shirts
    • Went to dinner with my man!
    • Watched American Idol
    • Watered my garden
    • Blogged to some wonderful people and commented as well
    • Talked all night long with my man!

    8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
  • Play the piano
    • Cook like a gourmet for my family
    • Scuba dive and see the underwater world
    • Lose some weight
    • Minister to the teens in our community
    • Move to the Pacific Northwest
    • Fix my computer when it doesn't want to cooperate! Been tempted too many times to toss it over the fence into oncoming traffic.
    • Build a log cabin home to retire in.

    8 Shows I Watch:

  • Grey's Anatomy - Yes I deal weekly with Mer and Der drama, I am a hopeful romantic!

  • Survivor - Ever since the first episode where I almost tried out!

  • The Celebrity Apprentice - Got love hearing Trump fire the biggest celebrity names!

  • American Idol - Yes I am rooting for Adam to win, gotta love the uniqueness he brings to the show, and still trying to figure out what is in Paula's drink!

  • The Mentalist - Love a man that can see right through people! So charming as well.

  • Heroes - Now who hasn't wanted super powers at some point in their life?

  • Hell's Kitchen - For those who can't cook, we watch others try!
  • Ghost Whisperer - Yes I love Jennifer Hewitt and still believe in true love forever!

Rather than tag someone, if you want to run with this idea, then go for it. I know so many people whose blog's I follow have already completed this. If you haven't, it helps for us to know just a little bit what you're like on the inside and outside as well. Me, I am kinda like a grilled cheese sandwich, something that you're just comfortable with and nothing really ever changes!


  1. Great list sister Kat! Loved no.8 in "8 things you look forward to":)

    "Grilled cheese" is good! Plain toast with warm cheese inside! Why am I imagining a "simple person who likes simple things yet whose heart inside is warm?"

    Keeping you in prayers and may the Lord grant that cabin you're wishing for, somewhere in a dark forest in Pacific NW, always with your hubby by your side!!! God bless...

  2. I enjoyed your list! I am glad you have had some special time with your man. Speaking of which, we- Russell and I- are getting ready to kick back and watch a movie. I am very thankful for you, your friendship, your blog, and who God has made you to be! Have a great weekend! Laurie

  3. Thanks Kat for visiting Family Fountain. I'll make sure Kristin reads your congratulatory comments.

  4. Came here from Billy's blog. Great list - but I also enjoyed the photo, especially the subtle tones across the water's surface.

  5. Adam's the favorite here too for American Idol. Though I've missed the last couple episodes.


My thoughts for the day are