Monday, April 13, 2009

Marvelous Monday!

Well, what a weekend! I couldn't believe our good luck in having a super, beautiful blue sky day for a Resurrection Sunday. Lately here in the desert, we are often faced with high and heavy winds that last for 3-4 days while high or low pressure systems often blow through. We get very little rain but I can't beat the beautiful crystal clear blue skies most days. OK, we get them a lot. It's hardly ever we get some rain clouds.

The other day I decided to help my daughter with her science project involving coffee grinds as a cheap organic fertilizer and was noticing while out watering the fluffy, white popcorn clouds meandering through the blue sky. I took some time and noticed the shapes of an elephant and a turtle as they passed over head. I wondered if God was drawing using the blue sky as His art pad and the clouds and His pencil lines.

It is interesting what we miss but looking down all the time. God's miracles are all over the place everyday. I would encourage you this week to find the time to give three random acts of kindness to friends or strangers. It could be something as simple as a kind word, a smile that is returned or a small favor. I will use Thursday's blog to have you comment what you did, but most of all, how it made you feel?!!

I do owe a huge thank you to a few people that were kind enough to remember me when some blogging awards came out. Here they are in the order I got them. First the Spanish Dart Award!

Then the "His Light Shines Award"

and most recently, "I am a Fan of Your Site".

I owe these thanks to Sitka at "All Gods Creatures". His mom, Andrea writes a heart warming blog from a dogs perspective and how he would view things. Great inspiration and a dog after his mom's own heart. Check it out.

I also want to thank the time to pass these awards along to the following as well, in no particular order.

1. Samm's Inspirations, a blog from a 15 year old teenager girl that has been best friends with my daughter for 4 years. Her posts are an inspiration from her heart and if you get a chance, stop by and give her some encouragement. Love you Samm!

2. Dear Craisin, my 15 soon to be 16 year old daughter's first blog. She is really been blessed to be given a gift from God on how well she writes. We have even submitted some of her work to publishers and we are waiting to see what they have to say. I would hope she will continue to use these gifts to bring glory to God with His gift to her.

3. Heather at *Beautiful Self*. I found her joining my blog recently and honestly can't wait to see the wonderful things she posts daily! I honestly feel God's presence in opening her beautiful page every morning. Thanks Heather.

4. Lisa from Mommy Squared! Lisa shares her daily insights from being a super busy mom and still loving the Lord everyday! Thanks Lisa for constantly sharing your inspirations of both a mom and sister in Christ!

5. Laurie at Supernatural Living. Like Andrea at Arise 2 Write, she inspires me daily with her blog. I can't wait each day over my coffee to see how God will pour forth His word through her writings each day. Love you! I know you may have already received these but I wanted to thank you for your blog and lovely comments.

Many of you who read these may not understand the importance of commenting a bloggers blog, but it's so nice to read how our writings for the day have impacted you, made you think, or changed your day. Hope you join me in finding time to comment and follow the blogs listed above. We'd love to hear from you.

May God bless everyone who comes here and may He continue to inspire me daily to share His thoughts with you!


  1. Aww!!
    Well thank you so much!
    I am so thankful that God is able to use me to be a blessing to others through my ramblings and thoughts on my blog!

    May God continue to bless you richly!

    ~ Heather

  2. What a beautiful picture! Wow!

    Just wanted to stop by and say hello, as I noticed you as a blog follower this evening.

    From the couple posts I read, you seem to have a heart soft and open to the Lord! I look forward to "getting to know you" more on your site.

    Blessings :)

  3. Wow! Thanks so much Kat.
    I really am honored and humbled that you are passing on these awards and appreciate your kind words. (I have felt somewhat discouraged lately in writing, so your words were very timely!) I will be posting a thank you and pass it on:) God bless you sis. I am going back and posting a few other things on your previous posts. (I was in awe of your pictures and last posts about our Lord.)

  4. Hi sister Kat!Thank you for stopping by my site and joining in to follow. I get excited to meet siblings in Christ! It seems that we don't see that as much-"act of kindness" to this world deprived of love. You're right, we should try to offer that simple act.God bless.


My thoughts for the day are