Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why I Love My Sister!

Today I had the fortunate opportunity to get a phone call from my sister who is 14 years younger than me to see if we had any plans today besides Sunday service at church at 8:00am. Thank goodness I woke up prior to that so I didn't make her feel bad when she called. You know how it is, when you call someone thinking they are up only to find out that they are now, thanks to your phone call. Yikes!

Anyway she invited me to meet her for lunch at a place called Victoria Gardens here in California. It's an outside mall filled with stores for the rich and famous, not that we are either rich or famous, but it's still nice to look at things! We walked into Macy's just to get to the street side of the mall and we passed by these teen sized jeans priced at, get this "$ 185.00 each". Tell me, who can afford this for jeans? I wouldn't be surprised if Macy's went out of business soon with those prices! I would never had thought that Macy's would be so pricey! I did have to stop by the Este Lauder perfume counter to spray on some of my favorite perfume, that I can't afford right now. It's called Spellbound and the cost $ 63.00. Not bad for some high end perfume, but still out of my reach at the present time.

We walked around the mall, and it was really nice outside, clear sunny skies with a high of 83. We had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory and had a 10 minute wait before we were sitted which gives you just enough time to drool at the Cheesecake counter. I was proud of myself after I finished my lunch and just had one bite! Woo Hoo, huge success for me.

We talked about old times growing up, things we used to do as kids, and how we are seeing our kids growing up now, life lessons we learned, taking a trip down memory lane. It's been amazing watching my sister being born, seeing her grow up over the years and now watching her raise her amazing two kids. Family to me is super important and it seems the older you get the more you want your family close. It could also be that I have a greater love for my family now that I have my spiritual life back on track with God.

It was bittersweet when it came time to end and I wish we didn't live quite so far and could visit more. I guess the next time we will see each other will be in two weeks when she comes over for my daughter's 10th birthday. Until then, I will be thankful for the time we did get to spend together!

She will always be special to me, she is my only sister and she is amazing!

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