Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dream Vacation to Israel

If I could go anywhere in the world on a dream vacation, most of you might imagine and quiet tropical island, with turquoise waters beckoning you into their warmth, white sand and gorgeous blue skies above. But my heart isn't calling me there, it's calling me home.

I have often wondered what it would be like to step inside the tomb of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and just spend some quiet time reflection on his sacrifices for us in the short 33 years he had here on Earth. I wondered what it would be like to sit aboard a boat on the Sea of Galilee, with my eyes closed and listening to the sounds of the waves lapping on the side of the boat, feeling the warm breeze on my face and smelling the salt air. I would wonder what the apostles felt as they sat upon these very waters listening to Jesus tell them how to throw their nets over the side to catch the bounty of fish waiting for them, or how he calmed the rough seas at night while Peter walked out and met the Lord.

I would be amazed just to sit on a hillside overlooking the little town of Bethlehem on a quiet star filled night and try to imagine what it must have felt like for the shepherds in the field to hear about the glorious night of our Saviors birth.

I would love to walk in the Garden of Gethsemane and praying there under the shade of the olive trees at sunset like Jesus did the night of his crucifixion.

This is my dream to one day walk in the Holy land and visit all the places the Bible speaks of where Jesus lived his life. I would also love to look down into the Valley of Armageddon to see where the final battle of all wars will take place, where Satan will be defeated once and for all.

So for now, I look at pictures and tours of people that have seen these things and maybe just maybe someday, I will make it home!

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