Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Did You Think I Fell Off the Face of the Earth?
I should have checked when it was the last time I posted before I decided to sit down and write this post. So many things have happened since we last chatted and blogging has always been a huge thing for me to do. (Update: I checked the last post from me was in the beginning of April 2018) Has it really been that long?
It is what allowed me to share my thoughts with the world, without knowing if anyone would read them. It enabled me to meet some incredible Christian men and women that I still maintain contact with through social media more. It has also allowed me a platform for first book reviewing and now supporting my small business.
I guess if I had to begin somewhere it would be that reviewing books is a chapter in my life that is truly more for relaxation instead of a passion and obligation to do each day. Most of the publishers have now gone the way of eBooks or electronic copies of books, to help reduce costs and while I can appreciate it, nothing beats holding a book in your hand. The smell of the pages, and just the weight in your hands. Also no batteries or charging is required. I don't even know if my Kindle is even charged anymore to be honest. I have set that one down as well.
So many changes with family now too. Steve's parents are still having all kinds of health issues. His mom is still dealing with AFib and keeping her heart in the right rhythm without racing too fast. I guess I never really understood the challenges with patients who have been diagnosed with aFib. She is also the main caretaker of the two and with her own health issues, it can become a lot to deal with. They are kinda local for us right now but are making plans to head back to Havasu to live in assisted living so they can be closer to their siblings and friends. Not sure when that will happen.
Our youngest daughter, Kailee got married in November of 2018 at a beautiful barn wedding, surrounded by family and friends and honeymooned in Jamaica! So we have added another family to our ever growing family tree. Our oldest daughter is going through a divorce after her husband decided that marriage and family was more than he initially wanted from life. So we have been working with helping her out in Modesto and enabling her to be more self sufficient living alone with adding a security system and alarms. This was prompted even more by an attempted home invasion break in which she was able to keep from happening due to quick thinking and a call to 911.
Needless to say, things have been more than interesting. Steve and I have entered our empty nest phase of life and while our kids are close enough to visit, this has been a welcome change of sorts. Steve travels quite a bit which has allowed me to work on expanding my growing business with Kat's Creations, a small business that sells wreaths, home decor and now offering online training and a monthly subscription group to learn how to make beautiful things for the home. I also teach people how to make wreaths in my Facebook LIVES every Friday night at 5pm PST if you're interested in talking to me, or learning how to make them.
I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth or been a recent celebrity death, but simply busy, but wanted to let you know I am trying to pick back up my writing so I can stay in touch with YOU, my dear blogging friends once more. Oh how I have missed you all! Hope you'll stop by and say Hi again!