Thursday, April 5, 2018
Born to Teach
The title sums it up.
I believe God has graced me with the ability to teach. From tackling homeschooling both my daughters, the youngest from 1st grade through 11th, yes she graduated a year early, to my job for 10 years as a Corporate Trainer and Senior Training Specialist to now heading up my own home based business, including managing and supporting a group of incredibly talented ladies in my wreath making private group.
I love not only just teaching a new skill to women, but to encourage and nourish their souls with the right dose of encouragement. I love doing that because I believe as women, we get beat up a lot, put our own needs on the back burner for awhile and also we serve so much, we often don't hear words of encouragement that would refill our emotional bank accounts. We are so busy all the time, that we fail to see what greatness we bring to our families, our jobs and even in our own life.
Isn't that the truth about our lives ladies?
Don't we just grow in the sunshine with just the smallest dose of praise?
I know I do.
There are those times when you just feel like a dying plant waiting for a drop of moisture so you can grow and thrive again. I know how much I adore that feeling of getting kudos for a job well done. Just the smallest dose goes such a long way and can pick you up when you're feeling blue and melancholy. I believe that not just women need it too, but also the men in our lives. The ones who work so hard at keeping us financially afloat could use that same praise for anything they do. They get beat up all day by people not appreciating them for what they do, because it is expected, yet I find that often times, praise and appreciation go further than a bigger paycheck. I know there are jobs that I look back on and I LOVED doing them because most days I got instant appreciation. From a floundering student who suddenly excels at something they've been struggling with, to a new employee who believes they're not cut out for the job, only to shine with just the smallest dose of encouragement and some time helping them where they're frustrated, to women who believe they're not cut out to do anything now that they believe their lives are growing to a close.
I believe if you're still breathing, God has you here today for a plan and a purpose and He doesn't make mistakes, In fact, throughout the Bible, God has used countless, "nobodies" to become major somebodies when He is finished. I mean if the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth thinks you're something special, shouldn't that be good enough? Yet it sure does something to us when we hear it! My challenge for you today is to find 3 people and encourage them, compliment them or find a way to show them, they're special. The interesting thing is that it does something for you as well by taking that time and making it something sincere.
Hope that you'll share how it went with me below with a comment.
Oh yes, the wreath pictured at the top of this page is for sale. You can find out more about it on my Etsy store or messaging me at
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
If You Are Faithful...
There is a verse in the Bible that has been part of what I'm working on in my own personal walk of faith lately. It is from the Book of Matthew 25:21, and it says, "His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much."
This has been the precedent over my entire business and personal life, when I can remember it. When I first started out in launching my business, I knew I wanted it to be centered on my faith. Sure there are those that take a beating when they mention their faith, but I wanted my to not be hidden, to shine like a light on a hill, not something covered up so I could possibly profit even more. I was determined that God would be the focus on what I am doing, and if anyone could make it succeed, the Creator of Heavens and the Earth would be a great foundation to build upon.
I'm not saying it doesn't take a whole lot of work, but I find if I take time for God first, He will take care of the rest. So each day, I start with God first, and try to end it with Him as well. I want my faith to be front and center and it has always been a dream of mine to have a faith based business, and to be able to use my talents to encourage and help others to achieve their own level of success by building on the same character traits I hope to drive home.
It has been a true blessing to help women to take a role in their own successes, to help encourage them in their efforts and most of all to step aside when it is their moment to shine. I believe that is what God has called me to do and for now, the business side of things is all up to Him. I simply use my creative talents to show others what is possible and along the way offer up prayer to those who need it. Without God at the center of this, I don't want any part of it. I can simply go back to quietly reading books and reviewing them as well as products. Until that happens, I will continue to walk in faith and give all the glory and honor to my Father in Heaven. I just need to continue to faithful in everything I do and keep working at it one step at a time.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Manageable But Still Waiting
Hard to believe just how difficult it is to find a new specialist.
By the time I am finished, I'll be a professional hoop jumper. You know after jumping through so many hoops to find a manageable way to deal with my IC pain. Even that word alone is challenging to say, Interstitial Cystitis. That's why so many people just call it IC.
So now, we are in a waiting game to see what direction, God will have me go. Finding a new specialist with a new medical group, or go back to the one I had before, that treated me horribly, but the doctor I was seeing is no longer there. Makes one wonder why?
So the treatment is manageable. I don't take any pain meds at this time, because they really don't do anything for your pain. I'm managing with natural supplements like Marshmallow Root, (lifesaver), Tumeric, Boswelia Extract along with the prescription for Pyridium for now while I wait. At least I am not curled up in fetal position anymore and still drinking copious amounts of water. But enough of that.
I just finished two wreaths last week from my Friday night LIVE on Facebook as well as another one Sunday and both sold out before I finished. That is always a great feeling, that and 5 custom orders made for a large shipment to the post office yesterday as well as setting up my next business venture which are subscription crates, like you see just about everywhere for everything. Mine are unique one of a kind wreath kits designed so you get enough materials to make your own original. The name of them is Kat's Creative Crates. I listed those yesterday, just 5 for a test run and those sold out within 5 minutes. That meant I had to place another order yesterday for another 10-15 kits. I like shopping for that one special person who is buying a crate to help them make something incredible! Plus it keeps the market from being flooded by look alikes, which I am seeing everywhere.
If you're interested in a custom order, don't hesitate to contact me. I really enjoy making something truly unique for someone.